Very interesting. George, do you know what the margine of error is for these tests? I'm not referring to the possible human error involved in the sampling of the fuel, but the actual measurement of the particles?

From the few tests I've seen here it makes wonder about a few things. The first is there have been at least one area with both filter tests where the post-filtered fuel was worse than the pre-filtered fuel (IIRC previous test had worse particles, this one has worse water). I don't understand how a filter could be adding contaminates? Perhaps since this last filter is so new, it could have had water in the filter media from the manufacturering process and is slowly releasing it? Is it possible that there might also be some particle contaminates left from the initial manufacturing process?

Also, how is it that a filter can be more effective at filtering smaller particles and less good at filtering larger particles? I don't understand how if there are gaps big enough to let a larger particle flow through how it could then trap a smaller particle.

I'm going to go back and re-read how the samples are being captured. This is very interesting stuff.