Hello again.

You're probably right about the pump replacement. My daughter is home with the chicken pox, and the weather has cleared, so I went ahead and got into it. No problem removing the pump from the truck. But that *%$#@ pump pulley. Not tapered, not keyed...what the HECK is holding it on? I even tried a touch of the propane torch with the puller applying pressure. It is now slightly bent on its hub, and still not off the pump. Chevy doesn't list it anymore- it's obsolete. Such a small stupid thing to hang the job up. I've looked on the net... rebuilders, by the part #, etc., etc. .... no luck. I'm not sure where I'll need to go with this now. Maybe a machine shop to straighten out the pulley? But I still don't know how to remove it.

Sufficiently stuck.
