Quote Originally Posted by GMC Hauler
It can be, but if you represent it in a list format like a spreadsheet that has the vehicles listed in ascending order of MPG, and let the options be listed next to the mpg, It will show the trends in the data.

I know it would be a daunting task, but if there is enough interest, I would be willing to collect the data and represent it in graphs, ect
Basicly you have a question and up to ten responses. We have limited choices on the polls. I think to do what you want it would be better if you started a thread and we can stick it so it stays near the top. Ask for the data to be put in a certain order like 1. Vehical (C-2500, Sub-1500 ect.)
2. gearing (3.42) 3. 2x4 or 4x4. ect. Then you could periodicly collect your data and make up a spread sheet. After a reasonalbe time frame for reasonses you could then post the findings.

I was trying to make a straigh forward simple poll, I see the befit of collecting all the data you would like. I don't think we can do it with the standard Poll and it's limits.