OK. I was refering to a different $50K block. Lol. Anyway, they are of different design and use than what we are discussing here. A sleeved engine also has different characteristics, and they vary depending on wet/dry sleeves and head design, among other things. The fuel type is also a consideration. #2, even in our very modest GM V-8 Diesels, have a considerably higher combustion tempurature than a high revving gasser burning gasoline or methanol/nitro. The duty cycles and environments also vary. The heat needs to be managed differently.

I'd love to engage a discussion along the lines you bring up. Start another thread, and you can educate some of us, seriously. The similarities and differences between daily driver and towing truck engines compared to professional competition engines could use some definition. Some pricipals apply to both, and others are unique. It wouldn't hurt to separate them.