Somehow I think that this is an urban legend. First off, most states and the Feds have rules for home brewing and consumption. (Don't take my word for it, search for Bio-Diesel regulations and look up the rules.) You are allowed so many gallons a year tax free PROVIDED YOU ARE MAKING IT. How is the guy dipping you tank going to know if this is the first 10 gallons you've made or the 1,000th gallon? Unless you provide this information.

Second, dip my truck all you want, the Bio & d2 in it is commercially made, taxes paid, and is not red. Running, un-processed or un-trans-testerfied oil is NOT A FUEL, ergo, NO TAX. Run on grease all you want. Besides, which tax do you pay? What if my car ran on water, what tax would I pay for that? What about a 100% electric car?

I would still use common sense when dealing with DOT and the other 100 or so 3 letter acronym departments of the gov't. (EPA, DOE, FBI, ATF, PDQ, RFQ, OJS, etc...)

I don't keep all my receipts with me, but I do charge it on my credit card and can easily go back and prove that I paid for the fuel from a distributor. If needed, they can (and will) proide a breakdown of taxes paid per gallon, which currently run about $.53 per gal.

A little common sense goes along way, nothing ticks off a law man like bragging you are "pulling one over on the man."