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Thread: Additional fuel filtration / injector replacement poll

  1. #1

    Default Additional fuel filtration / injector replacement poll

    Looking to hear from Duramax owners that have added additional fuel filtration capabilities to their trucks, and results (measured in miles) of service life on your injectors.

    Very unscientific, but with a volume of good data, we may be able to see a trend line. Please include the following:
    1. Year/Make/Model truck
    2. Engine code (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM)
    3. Type of additional filtration added, and at what odometer reading
    4. History of injector replacement, if any, and at what odometer reading(s)
    5. Overall satisfaction with additional filtration - return on investment commentary
    2011 Chevrolet Tahoe 5.3L daily driver
    • Previous owner of two 1994 6.5L K3500s, '01, '02, and '05 6.6L K2500s, '04 C4500, '06 K3500 dually, '06 K3500 SRW, '09 K3500HD SRW, '05 Denali
    • Total GM diesel miles to date : ~950K

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Owego, NY


    Mark, Great idea on this thread. My truck’s history is as follows:

    1. Year/Make/Model truck
    2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD LT Crew Cab Short Box – currently at 82,000 miles. Except for being a little louder (fuel knock) the truck runs as it did when new. Mileage is 17-18mpg with mixed highway/city driving and 19-20mpg highway. Balance rates have increased but are still in spec. I’ve used Stanadyne Perfomance formula and a lubricity additive since the truck was new. First 30kmi was with with 4oz of 2-cycle oil/15 gal then switched to Stanadyne Lubricity Formula.

    2. Engine code (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM)
    LB7 Federal Emissions with no CAT or EGR

    3. Type of additional filtration added, and at what odometer reading
    - 6019 miles: Installed Kennedy Mega Filter (Baldwin BF7635), Post OEM connection
    - 9428 miles: Installed AC EP158 Lift pump and Stanadyne FM100 30 micron pre-filter
    OEM and Stanadyne filters have been changed at 10kmi. Mega filters were changed at 31,232 & 71,671 miles (currently at 82K).

    Used filters are routinely cut open for inspection. Both Megas looked good with no visible discoloration. The Stanadyne will always have some black (asphaltene) discoloration but the OEM filters are relatively clear. The OEM’s are also fully uniform in color with no darkening on the bottom half (lift pump keeps the filter completely full - with stock suction system the filter is only partially full – see see Filter Council TSB )

    History of injector replacement, if any, and at what odometer reading(s)
    Original Injectors

    5. Overall satisfaction with additional filtration - return on investment commentary.

    I'm happy with my setup. Based on the Southwest Research institute’s “High-Pressure Injection Fuel System Wear Study” (SAE doc 980869) I think added filtration for our HPCR injection system is good insurance against wear related injector failures (i.e. ball seat erosion) and should help extend IP life too. Quote from the paper:

    “The Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Fuel Filtration Cooperative Research Program evaluated the effects of abrasive fuel contamination in rotary injection pumps to establish a baseline for high-pressure injection systems. It was determined that the critical particle size for rotary injection fuel pump was 6 to 7 microns.”

    From my simple way of thinking the more filtration the higher the efficiency of removing the critical wear particles. However I’m not sure it does much to prevent design related failures (cracked injector body).

    Here's a related and very interesting article in MaxxTorque magazine:
    THE Black, White and Greys of the Duramax Fuel Filter

    For me it’s so-far-so-good at 82K on an 03 with about 1 year to go on the 7yr/200kmile injector special policy. Unless I have a problem before it expires, for peace of mind I’m thinking I’ll take the truck in and pay to have return rate test done. If the injectors fail out of warranty I’ll probably just change them out myself. It’s still cheaper than buying a new truck.
    Last edited by jbplock; 10-29-2008 at 15:52.
    03 2500HD D/A CC/SB/4WD,OilGuard, MegaFilter,LiftPump/PreFilter, Bilsteins,RetraxRollTop,J&J Boards,Coolant Filter,AlliDeepPan,FastIdle,AllHeadLightsOn,
    98 K3500 6.5,SOLD

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Blackfoot, ID, USA


    1.Year/Make/Model truck

    Late build 2001 Chevy Silverado extended cab short box 4x4 DMax/Allison

    2.Engine code (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM)


    3.Type of additional filtration added, and at what odometer reading

    Kennedy Mega Filter installed post-OEM at 46,000 miles

    4.History of injector replacement, if any, and at what odometer reading(s)

    Zero, on factory originals at 158,000 miles

    5.Overall satisfaction with additional filtration - return on investment commentary

    Excellent product, long service life on filters and sometimes difficult to change after a long use interval (filter stuck to filter head).
    Tom Ashley 2004 6.0 2500HD/Silverado CC/SB/4x4

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    2002 Chevy Silverado LTCC, SB,

    Added Racor RS60s filtration post OEM, at 20,000 miles.

    Original injectors, 132,000 miles, they're not as quite as they used to be, but still run great.
    Never had any kind of problems, starting, running etc. Love that truck.

    ROI, supposedly the filtration is down to about 2 microns so I don't expect any problems from particle errosion. I'm sure this has already saved GM some money on replacement of the injectors, next year come July it will be my nickle if they go bad. I jus think its an investment in assurance of continued top performance. I've always maintained my vehicles like I was going to walk out of the house in the morning and drive straight to New York without haveing to check anything first.

    Side note: By the way JBPLOCK, you said SWR said the wear was 6 to 7mm size, that's not millimeters obvously, you ment microns right?
    02 2500HD LT D/A SB CC 4X4 BLACK, Westin stainless nerf bars, BW GN Hitch,Racor 60S post oem fuel filter, Oil Guard bypass engine oil Filter. All synthetic fluids. Kennedy boost valve, edge, Modified air intake,EGT & Boost digital gauge,TransferFlow combo fuel & tool box, Air Lift Suspesion Bags Rear & compressor with remote, Bilsteins front & rear, Frontier front replacement bumper.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Owego, NY


    Quote Originally Posted by SoTxPollock View Post

    Side note: By the way JBPLOCK, you said SWR said the wear was 6 to 7mm size, that's not millimeters obviously, you meant microns right?

    Yes thanks for catching this .. microns not mm (post has been edited)

    Also ..
    Quote Originally Posted by Idle_Chatter View Post

    Kennedy Mega Filter installed post-OEM ....

    ... sometimes difficult to change after a long use interval (filter stuck to filter head).
    I also had a tough time breaking my first Mega Filter loose ... when installing the second one I removed the O-ring and coated it with some Parker Super O-lube (similar to silicone grease) .. When the time came to change, it came of with out any trouble ..

    Last edited by jbplock; 10-04-2009 at 15:39.
    03 2500HD D/A CC/SB/4WD,OilGuard, MegaFilter,LiftPump/PreFilter, Bilsteins,RetraxRollTop,J&J Boards,Coolant Filter,AlliDeepPan,FastIdle,AllHeadLightsOn,
    98 K3500 6.5,SOLD

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Geneva, IL

    Default Injector Report

    Hi Gang,

    1. Year/Make/Model truck - 2001 K-2500 Chevy Standard Cab

    2. Engine code (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM) - LB7

    3. Type of additional filtration added, and at what odometer reading - Universal Kit/150k

    4. History of injector replacement, if any, and at what odometer reading(s) 1 set at 90k, second set at 165k

    5. Overall satisfaction with additional filtration - return on investment commentary - too soon to know, since I was (yes, I'm very ashamed of myself here) tardy in getting the extra filtration on with the early sets of injectors. Have to say it gives me a lot more confidence for the future, though.


    Rich Phillips
    Member #17

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Greenfield, In


    2004.5 LLY
    My Universal Kit post OE when new
    139300 with no injector issues
    Change both filters every 10-12K miles.

    Diesel Page Supporter
    Greg Landuyt
    Lubrication Specialist, LLC.
    1-888-306 4255

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    San Marcos, TX


    Year/Make/Model truck
    2003 Chev. 2500 Silverado, LB7

    Universal (Lubrication Specialist) 2 micron filter added pre OEM. Changed every 20,000. Added with about 20,000 miles on truck. OEM changed every 15,000.

    Injectors replaced at 60,191 miles.

    I was suprised to need replacement at this mileage. I buy my fuel from a reliable clean dealer and am meticulous with service. I was hoping to avoid the problem by adding the filter but I am glad the problem happened before the warranty was up.

    I do not hesitate to recommend Chuck Nash Chev. in San Marcos, TX for their service on this warranty issue.
    Former 2003 Chev. D/A CC, Snug Top shell, Prodigy, 2003 Arctic Fox 30U, Alternator mt. fuel filter.....basically stock truck.

    2012 Ram Megacab 3500, Snug Top, same trailer, stock truck



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    hutto , texas, 78634


    02 LB7 just turned 100k and just out of warranty. original injectors with no trouble.
    stock fuel filter replaced every 15k. dealer replaced one under warranty.
    love the truck!
    02 d/a 4x4 crew sb 100k w/original injectors
    84 m1028 34k

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Jefferson City, MO


    Very early 2001 with 98,00 miles built in Nov of 2000
    Extra filtration pre factory filter.
    Pre filter added at 65000 miles
    Orginal injectors. Filters changed at 15000 miles of use.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cushing Oklahoma


    does any body have a part# for a filtration kit for an LB7? would put one on if had a #!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by dr.olds View Post
    does any body have a part# for a filtration kit for an LB7? would put one on if had a #!
    You don't need a part #. You have several options HERE. John Kennedy and Greg Landuyt (both are TDP members/supporters) offer the best there is to be had. The problem is choosing.
    1985 Blazer 6.2
    2001 GMC 2500HD D/A

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Nampa,Id USA

    Thumbs up

    [QUOTE=richp;247126]Hi Gang,

    1. Year/Make/Model truck - 2001 K-2500 Chevy Standard Cab
    2001 GMC EXT CAB

    2. Engine code (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM) - LB7

    3. Type of additional filtration added, and at what odometer reading - Universal Kit/150k
    CAT750 post OEM 38K

    4. History of injector replacement, if any, and at what odometer reading(s) 1 set at 90k, second set at 165k

    5. Overall satisfaction with additional filtration - return on investment commentary - too soon to know, since I was (yes, I'm very ashamed of myself here) tardy in getting the extra filtration on with the early sets of injectors. Have to say it gives me a lot more confidence for the future, though.
    Looks good so far
    chipper 2001 GMC,,D/MAX,SLE,EXT CAB,LONGBED,LINEX,FIRESTONE AIR BAGS,,driv\'en it & smilling, 32' Excel 5er

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Boise, Idaho


    1. My truck is a 2003 Ext. Cab. with a lot of aftermarket performance equipment, turbo,intake,4" exhaust, Industrial Injection dual fuel lines, lift pump,exhaust brake, built tranny and triple disk convertor, KENNEDY 100/250HP ECM and more.

    2. Engine is LB7

    3. Additional filter/water seperator is a heated racor 2 micron.

    4. Still running stock injectors. I have used AmSoil Diesel Fuel additive for approx. 3 years along with AmSoil Cetane Booster.

    5. I am satisfied with the Racor filter which was installed at 30K. I am now at 41K. I will change both stock and Racor filter this coming spring. Previously to installing the Racor add on filter I was changing the stock filter every 5K miles.

    Since my truck has low miles I suppose that it is still too early in it's life cycle to need injectors. At the rate I drive the truck 6500 annual average I hope that any future injector failure will be was off in the future.
    '03 Chev Duramax ext. cab, Kennedy ECM,After Market turbo,tranny, triple disk convertor, Exhaust Brake, electric tran. cooler, dual exhaust, Supertank 57 gallon.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Morgantown, W.Va. USA


    Year/Make/Model truck
    2001 Chevy 3500 dually

    Engine code (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM)

    Type of additional filtration added, and at what odometer reading
    Racor R60S pre-OEM from Greg @ approx 15000 miles.

    History of injector replacement, if any, and at what odometer reading(s)
    60K+ miles still running original injectors.

    Overall satisfaction with additional filtration - return on investment commentary
    I'm happy since I haven't had to replace injectors yet, and I should note that I have been using additives since day-one (started with Power Service now using Stanadyne). I don't have that many miles on it yet, but with all the travel back and forth to W.Va. (We're moving back home) that low mileage is gonna change.


    "But officer, I ain't Speedin', I'm just flyin' low"

    2001 Silverado 3500 Dually LS Ext Cab, 6.6L Diesel, Banks Stinger Kit, 4" Exhaust, VR Straps, Bilstein shocks, 255/85/16 BFG KM2s
    2004 Suburban 2500 LT 6.0L 4x4, Bilstein Shocks, Federico front/rear sway bars
    1996 Caprice 5.7L LT1, B4U Suspension, KYB shocks & Hotchkis sway bars, BMR RCA - alas I miss ya.
    2013 Caprice PPV 6.0L

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Peterborough, ON. Canada


    Year/Make/Model truck
    2001 GMC EXT CAB 2500 HD

    Engine code (LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM)

    Type of additional filtration added, and at what odometer reading
    None Added

    History of injector replacement, if any, and at what odometer reading(s)
    182,000 KMS and the 2,4, and 6 injectors are still original injectors. The other 5 were done one at a time starting in 2002. The last one was changed 22 months ago. I've had no troubles since then. I use Stanadyne every tank full and I think it helps alot. The truck was built in Nov. of 2000 and went on the road Dec. 21, 2000. I am consistantly getting 21.5 mpg highway and 16 mpg towing the trailer (imperial gallons) .

    Overall satisfaction with additional filtration - return on investment commentary
    2001 GMC 2500HD Ext cab SB Dmax 6 speed
    86 6.2D
    79 5.7D
    D.P. member # 1885
    Ontario Plate "DMAX DSL"

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    The Dalles, OR. USA


    1. 2002 Chev 2500HD ECLB 4X4 purchased new in November of 2001.

    2. LB7

    3. Purchased Cat base and Cat 1R-029 filter in July of 2003 but horror of horrors did not install until June of 2007 at 69,151 miles and 2,024 hours. Currently have 91,704 miles and 2,655 hours. I use Kennedy’s fuel pressure gauge to determine when to change filters. So far, Cat filter needs to be changed at about 300 hours. Wix 33910 filters in OEM location looked new. I cut open the filters when removed. As soon as I get home, I will check fuel pressure again and change just the Cat filter and recheck the fuel pressure to determine if the OEM filter needs to be changed. When I exhaust my current supply of Wix 33910 filters, I will change to the new OEM filter. I try to never let my 56 gallon fuel tank get below half full.

    4. Still have original injectors.
    2002 2500HD ExtCab LB 4X4 LT D/A

  18. #18


    2009 1-ton extended cab.
    Don't plan on doing anything except add lubricity agent to the fuel and regular OEM filter changes.

    I fuel from my bulk tank, and logic dictates that if I were put a high-efficiency filter anywhere... it would be at the pump. At least that's my thinking.

    2009 GMC SLT 3500 Xtended Cab 6.6L
    Lubricated By Rotella T-6 and Amsoil EAO52 Filter

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Valrico, FL(TAMPA)


    The Suburban:
    Changed injectors, presumably because it had been sitting for a while in our DRY weather. Engine has a little less than 100K by what I can tell from dealer info & extrapolating the tag info before it was wrecked.
    Stock filter(DELCO only),& I added an old Raccor 500 10 micron (I think)like we used on the 5.7L & 6.2L(BOY, that was FUN!!!) I don't have the room that the later ones have. Nothing in it after 5K. It's before the main filter. I try to buy fuel where I think they will have a high turnover.
    Gordon Marks
    Tampa, FL (Valrico, FL actually)
    99 Suburban C2500 W/LB7
    55 Series 1 3600
    33 Chevy 4dr street Rod
    64 Biscayne 409 NSS
    "10.81@124.65"]10.81@124.65 3920lbs.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    maui, hawaii


    See below for filtration installed (installed within 10,000 miles of new in both cases). I just had someone check my injectors with a TECH 2 on the 03 since the 7 year warranty is expiring. The check showed that the injectors (return rate, etc.) are right on the money.
    1) '03 GMC 2500HD Dmax/Ali Ext/Short 4x4; 4" exhaust, egt and boost gauges; exhaust brake; Bilsteins; BD exhaust manifold; Oil Guard bypass; Lubrication pre oem fuel filter; Tekonsha Prodigy; Mag-Hytec differential cover; Suncoast V transmission w/deep oil sump
    2) '07 Classic GMC 2500HD Dmax/Ali Ext/Short 4x4'; Bilsteins, Silastic shackles, BD exhaust manifold; Oil Guard bypass; Lubrication pre oem fuel filter; Tekonsha Prodigy; Federico sway bars; Dipricol boost and egt gauges; Transgo Jr,, Mag-Hytec differential and transmission pan

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