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Thread: 2 Stroke Diesels

  1. #1

    Default 2 Stroke Diesels

    2-stroke oil and diesel
    To all interested:

    Due to the pollution control measures of the EC diesel-oil is nearly sulphur free and contains up to 5% of bio-diesel. Sulphur has the property to grease the high pressure injection pump and the injectors. Without sulphur, the reduced greasing property of the new diesel has already shown negativ impacts on the long-term stability of the injectors and the high pressure pump. The pump manufacturers have tried to react by lining the moving parts of the pumps with teflon or other suitable material. However, the long term stability is still not achieved as with the old (sulphor contained) diesel.
    The engine-research centre of a well known German car manufacurer has conducted some long term tests of dieseladditives to find out whether any one of them will have an impact on the long term reliability of the diesel engine components. This introduction to explain were my information comes from.
    The results of this research: any diesel additive of any manufacturer presently on the market is not worth the money!
    BUT: 2-stroke oil, which we use in our motor saws, lawn mower or in 2-stroke motor engines has shown to have an extreme positive impact on diesel engines, if such 2-stroke oil is added to the diesel in a homoeophatic dosis of 1:200. In practical terms: 0,300 litre of 2-stroke oil into the 70l diesel tank. The 2-stroke oil will be absorbed by the diesel(emulsion) and grease every moving part of the high pressure pump and the injectors.
    Besides this, the 2-stroke oil will keep the diesel engine clean, as it burnes cleaner as the diesel itself.
    In other words, the 2-stroke oil has a much lower ash-content as diesel, when burned. This proven fact delays the DPF (diesel particulate (soot) filter) to clogg, and the "burn free" process of the DPF will be much less.
    One more information: in Germany we have to present our cars every 2 years to the TUV -Technical Supervision Organisation - who will check, amongs others, the pollution of petrol and diesel engines.
    The measured cloud-factor of a diesel engine without use of 2-stroke oil has been 0,95.
    The same factor with the use of 2-stroke oil has been 0,47 - reduction of nearly half of the soot particles.
    Besides this, the use of 2-stroke oil in the diesel will increase the milage by 3-5%.

    Fill in 0,3 litre of 2-stroke oil with every tank filling. You will notice a surprisingly big difference in the smoothness of your engine running, the noise level is reduced, particularely when the engine is cold, and the fuel ecconomy will increase besides the described other advantages.
    The 2-stroke oil I can recommend from my own experience (value for price) is the Liqui Moly 2-stoke oil, semi-synthetic, Product no. 1052 (blue plastic bottle). The use of 2-stroke oil is recommended also for diesel engines without DPF. If you "forget" to fill in the little dosis of 2-stroke oil - no problem. Just fill it in the next time.
    Everybody who has used the 2-stroke oil in his/her diesel engine has confirmed that they could not have done better.

    Evanessen: see above. Do not use fully synthetic 2-stroke oil, as too expensive, and you do not really need this high quality for your purpose. Semi-synthetic will do.

    npinks: the use of 2-stroke oil in the diesel will under normal circumstances not be evident, as the 2-stroke oil will be absorbed by the diesel by forming an emulsion, which will not seperate.
    As I have said, we have to undergo every 2 years a pollution control inspection by our TUV, and the emission values as measured are by far better with use of 2-stroke oil than without. I have not come accross any case in which a car manufacturer has waived its guarantee obligo for cars which have used this 2-stroke oil (off course, not knowing this).
    Dismantling the test diesel engines after the 2-stroke oil test has revealed that such engines have been in an extroardinary clean and top condition. So why should any car manufacturer have any reason to waive any guarantees (for whatever technical reasons) if the concerned engine is otherwise in a clean and top condition.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    I would not recommend using any diesel fuel treatment that doesn't meet current industry standards for ULSD diesel fuel treatments. A truck's Diesel Oxidation Converter (DOC) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) could be harmed by non-approved diesel fuel treatments. Warranties could also be in jeopardy.

    Otherwise, yes, 2-stroke oil does provide some benefits for older diesels, but it is or can be more expensive than when using a commercially available and approved diesel fuel treatment - that typically employs chemistry to improve diesel fuel lubricity.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Feeniks, Aridzona


    It has also been shown that just adding 1% bio gives more lubricity than the previous LSD formula diesel. A 5% bio blend should then not need any additional lubricity additives. Personally I was adding about 16oz of 2-stroke oil per fill-up, which was typically 16-17 gallons (20 gallon tank).
    1987 Jeep Grand 6.5 in process...diamond block, 18:1's, other goodies...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    Good catch on the bio diesel.

    I would also like to add that a diesel - any diesel - runs better after it has been worked or driven in ways that provide a fair amount of EGT over a long enough period of time to burn some of the carbon buildup on injector nozzles. Even my Duramax runs better after a few hundred miles of Interstate, that includes a few mountain passes.

    So... adding oil to the fuel may increase the carbon buildup on injectors in a lightly loaded diesel engine, especially those that are used locally and in cooler temperatures.

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