Here it is in a nutshell gentlemen. Antifreeze turns acidic, what it means to a big diesel is a catastofic failure to the cylinder liner called electrolisys, and the radiator and heater core.
What it means to ALL other engines even gassers is that the head gasket and radiator heater core fall victem to the same thing. Ever seen a head gasket on a gasser or diesel that looked like it was rusted out, well that is all avoidable. I work for yellow freight as a mech, run my own shop and with over 4900 diesels in the fleet they live and die by the anti freeze test strip to monitor nitrate.
The antifreeze companys dont want you to put 2 and 2 together because it would cost them billions.
Antifreeze will last forever as long as the nitrate levels are kept up. Proof, engines that are pulled down after 1,000,000 miles show no signs of electrolisys anywhere and that is with the same antifreeze. Time and time again. Clean clean clean.
Every member should have the test kit and have a good understanding of what they are doing. Ill make it more simple, think of it as a fish tank.
You add baking soda to the water to stop acidicy so your fish are happy and your metal on your fish tank dont rust out.
Im trying not to make this a mega post but there is a lot to be said on the subject. Much more.
Sorry about deleting hte post. I cant type worth a hoot, it takes me forever.

[ 03-11-2004, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: Kent ]