Noal, I wasn't aiming the rolling eyes at you, but GM. If the engine can't run B100 the way it is then GM needs to make it able to.
lrver44 posted a good link-look up the foolproof biodiesel method. When I have the opportunity I plan to brew some of this stuff and have it tested. I seem to recall someone on this site doing fuel and oil testing as a profession, but I am unable to recall their name. I'm just fed up with helping to make the oil barons any richer than they already are, especially considering the pounding my rear end takes every time I fill up.
Rudolf Diesel did not intend for his engine to become the garbage disposal of the petroleum industry, but like the last post said to run off of plant based oils. He understood the grave threat that petroleum posed to the world a century ago. The next time you wonder why cancer rates are so high, look at the little yellow "The State of California..." sticker on the pump. It doesn't say "may cause cancer" it says "DOES cause cancer"!!!! I would definitely classify sitting in bumper to bumper traffic for an hour or two as prolonged exposure, and I would deinitely pay more for biodiesel if it could help the American farmer and economy instead of the oil barons and their cronies in the middle east.

[ 04-08-2005, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Nix ]