View Full Version : The juice is flowing in Reno....

06-14-2002, 14:39
Yesterday afternoon the little brown truck showed up with my Juice Box and of course I was in the middle of a crappy day so what better reason to take off early right?

Since my trailer (along with a chevelle and two harleys inside) was already connected I pulled around to the shop door hoping it would not take too long to install since it was 90 and I was right in the sun. I was pleasantly suprised when the box only took a few minutes to install. In fact it took longer to get the thing out of the box and read the instructions than it did to install.

After installing I set the box at level 2 in T/H and 4 in regular. Apparently my version 3.0 does not let you know what mode you set it in so I was a little concerned about what I had set, or if I had set it up at all. Checked all the connections and fired up the truck. At idle the ol Dmax sounded just like stock.

Since I already had a pretty good load of about 8600# or so I pushed the tow haul button and off I went. The first thing I noticed is off the line it pulls quicker and once everything gets spooled up it really moved out. The only thing I kept thinking is that this is how GM should have sent this thing from the factory. After 40 or so miles of mixed driving I headed for home to unload and wait for morning to try level 4.

Morning came and I was like a kid who just got a new toy. I couldn't wait to drive to work. Needless to say I took some detours. On level 4 it flat hauls a$$ and everything I have read is true. Its almost too much power?? for rush time traffic in the city. Gas pedal is a little touchy but I think i can get used to that! Stopped by my buddies shop who has a chipped PStroke to take him for a ride and his only comment was "Thats just wrong man....Just Wrong" Think I spotted his truck at the GMC dealer over the lunch hour...LOL

I sure hope something better doesn't come out because my face is really starting to hurt from smiling after owning this truck for a few months and this only added to the facial strain.

Next week I will be doing my first long haul big pull with it so I will report however it appears my report is already in line with what everyone has been saying...For the time being I am one happy camper and really thing Edge got this one right on the numbers!

06-14-2002, 15:23
Reno Rules!

Tally another insanely fast pickup in the Reno column.

I just can't manage to break traction on level 4. Maybe its because we have so much asphalt that has greater fricktion (intentional misspelling) than concrete! Then again, could be the altitude. Have you been able to light em' up A.T.? tongue.gif

[ 06-14-2002: Message edited by: Reno DMAX ]</p>

DMAX Daddy
06-14-2002, 15:29
I have some relatives in Reno that we visit occasionally. Once I get my truck I might have to make a special trip!

06-14-2002, 15:34
Bring it on up DMAX Daddy!

06-14-2002, 15:37
In about a week there will be another Juiced Duramax in Reno. We will be there on vacation for the week of 22nd-29th. Maybe a mini rendezvous is in order?

06-14-2002, 15:45
Can you say Sports Bar?

Are you going to be staying in Carson City? The weather has been nice. Don't bring the rain with you but do bring your digital camera.

F.Y.I. — I changed my username from MAXed Out to Reno DMAX because there were several other MAXed users.

06-14-2002, 16:27

Just saw a post that the latest Juice version is 3.5. I've got 3.2c. I wonder what fantastic changes are in store? J.K. Let us know when we should upgrade to the latest flavor.

06-14-2002, 16:36
I'm holding out till ........ 6.6 version......... Hits the streets ........ It will be appropriate ......... EDGE is getting as bad as MICROSOFT ..... Stop it all ready ....... tongue.gif tongue.gif


I didn't get my 3.2 yet and it's all ready "OLD" news .....GHESSHHHH

06-14-2002, 16:50

Quite honestly I haven't tried....yet :D Ally is still learning what to do with the power. Ran over to the old Outlet Mall parking lot off Sparks Blvd this morning and did the old "Set'er back into learn mode" trick but its still acting pretty wild if I put the pedal too far down. Heck 1/2 down puts you back in your seat and gets you up to speed fast enough on level 4.

Was just over at Baldini's filling up and was "approached" by a PStroke owner from accross the pumps who asked me about the truck. Said he had 5 "Friends" who have purchased DMAXES and all five had cracked heads before 10K. I just smiled and said "Wow thats really bad luck. I know hundreds of people who have Duramaxes and I have never actually seen it happen." He just replied that they had all gone back to Powerstrokes. All I could say is "Thats too bad". Smiled and turned around. :cool:

Count me in if we can get a gang together in town anytime.

[ 06-14-2002: Message edited by: AmericanThunder ]</p>

06-14-2002, 20:09
All right Reno guys. Ain't got the JUICE, but the mini rendevous sounds good. When and where?

06-15-2002, 11:31

RE: your first post... you actually read the destructions???? No wonder it took a few minutes! ;)

So ya just had to go see your buddy with the chipped PSD and rub it in... I like his response!

You aren't having problems with the facial whiplash are you? I have to remember to stop grinning when I get out of the truck, people get scared when they see a crazed looney with a huge grin walking thru the parking lot!

Regards, Steve

06-15-2002, 15:23

Yeah reading instructions is a nasty little habit I got into after my little guy was born due to the fact that some of the childrens toys these days are REALLY complicating to put together!

My buddy just left here in fact and said he is really considering buying a DMAX the next time around but is taking a wait and see attitude. He is a long long time Ford guy. Boy we've had some heated debate over the years :D

Facial whiplash is now a serious hazard I am trying to avoid. I think i have settled into level 3 for daily driving around town, level 4 when I really want to show off and level 2 for towing. Got home yesterday and my wife wanted to know what i was so happy about and I didn't even realize i was smiling :D

Its beautiful outside and I am driving my Dmax instead of my Harley...&gt;Thats how much fun this truck is now :cool:

06-16-2002, 00:49
Reno DMAX,Wogo 1, I can say sports bar, but I can't say give me another. Had to quit drinking a few years back. Not that I wasn't really good at it...REALLY GOOD AT IT... it was taking up to much of my time and was no longer a challenge. So now I think young and say Pepsi please! Any of those days up to the 29th is OK with me. The only weekend day I would have available is the 23rd. We will be in Carson City at the Pinon Plaza Rv park. I talked with Aaron at Edge Friday as I have a bit of the fishbite syndrome, albeit slight. He said if I hold off a couple more weeks a final version would be available. The most recent updates addressed the fishbite issue and also new confirmation was added. The newest version is supposed to have an even better means of confirming power levels. I will wait. I tow with level 2, but have yet to try anything but level 4 empty....now if there was a level 5...

06-16-2002, 18:16

Yer gonna have to stop changing handles on me, I cant keep up! ASSUMING if I said AT&T it would ring a bell?

Anyhoo, I will have a latest version this week and will try it and see. Been running Juiceless as I gave mine up to a local when the new one we tried on his truck wouldnt go. Thankfully I still had a hot VA/Dynomite on my truck!

Basically, from what Ive seen so far (not v3.5 yet) an update now will only necessitate a later update, BUT I am optimistic v3.5 will be a big improvement!

Anxiously awaiting Tuesday's shipment...

06-17-2002, 09:54

That's me. Had to change from MAXed Out because of all the duplicates. Let me know when I should send you my box for updating.


Think of a place and time (probably in Reno 23rd - 28th) and post it.

A.T., I fuel up at Baldinis too and have also run the gauntlet of Powerstrokes. Jealous glares for the most part.

WOJO1, — If you show up, you might not be stock for long!

06-21-2002, 08:35
??? I will be leaving today. Place and time?Cell 360-942-8456

06-22-2002, 07:40
I would like to meet everyone in Reno. Give plenty of notice

06-24-2002, 13:58
Post your availability for the "Reno Rally".

06-24-2002, 15:58
Should be coming back through there on the 29th. Possibly late the 28th. Depends how long I will be at Edge in Utah. tpitt

Any word yet? I'll be leaving early in the morning and won't be around my computer for a few days.

[ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: tpitt ]

[ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: tpitt ]</p>

06-25-2002, 23:36
Come on Guys, set a time and date. I'm leaving for Edge in the morning. stillracing please check your e-mail. I'll see if I can't get on a computer over there. Still to cheap to buy a laptop. :( :( Too many things to get for my pickup. Terry

06-26-2002, 22:00

TPITT, STILLRACING are going to meet in Reno at the Peppermill Casino parking lot Saturday Morning 06/29/02 at 10:00am!! If you can make it be there.

06-27-2002, 11:07
Sounds like a plan to me. Look forward to meeting you guys. North or South parking lot? I'm stock so maybe one of you JUICE guys can show me something. Can you say speed. See you Saturday.

06-28-2002, 06:22
Sorry WOJO 1, that I could not post earlier. North parking lot is what I told TPitt. I'll post this as it's own topic. SEE you saturday.