View Full Version : Exhaust prob placment

JD Diesel
10-26-2005, 15:15
Where's the best place to put the exhaust prob before turbo or after ??????? Some say after cause prob might break and go thur turbo. Any truth in this or is it just hype. Thanks JD :D :cool:

10-26-2005, 15:38
While a broken thermocouple could theoretically break off and enter a turbo, it just isn't common enough to cause alarm. I have heard of it happening, but have never actually witnessed the results. They are very robust, and designed to handle the temps they are subject to. Certainly not a reason to disqualify it.

10-27-2005, 02:08
the ONLY thermocouple damage I' ve ever seen was the result of turbine wheel failure causing parts of the wheel to hit the probe which was installed post turbo.

JD Diesel
10-28-2005, 14:23
Ok I will put in the manafold. thanks. JD :D

JD Diesel
10-28-2005, 14:35
What do you think about one on each side. JD

10-28-2005, 15:54
Originally posted by JD Diesel:
What do you think about one on each side. JD Nothing wrong with that. It would be ideal if you want to monitor a comparitive. Why not have 3? Also put one post turbo, then you could see the whole picture. Where do we draw the line? That said, mine will have one on the other side, too, soon.

Problems tend to fabricate themselves when we have too much information. Having a bunch of instruments is OK if there is a reason for them. Some of your driving time should be reserved for driving. Too much eyeball time on gages means less time for the windshield and mirrors.

JD Diesel
10-28-2005, 16:37
That doesent that I well be looking at them when the right foot want's to have fun. ;) JD