View Full Version : Working an idea for cool air to intake

06-19-2005, 02:16
What I'm looking at is to remove the top amber side marker and replace it with a perferated cover of the similar material I used to cover my turn signal lamp mod. As best I can tell without taking stuff apart, if opened up this would provide a direct path for air to enter the fender area, and to the intake. Using the same perferated sheetmetal as I used on the turn signal openings, it should protect from water entering the intake, yet allow outside air a path into the fender. As I see it I'd remove the retaining nut to the amber lens, cut the grill housing, leaving a shoulder or lip to mount the perferated cover. The cut and contour the peerferated sheetmetal to match the profile of the marker lens, and secure with sheetmetal screws. What do you think?

06-19-2005, 05:13
I have seen this mod and it looks good. Certainly can't hurt. I am thinking of making a hammer formed battery try and moving the battery to the air filter box area on top of the inner fender. Then run a intake pleunm from the front of the old battery location using intakehoses.com and a high flow cone shape filter.

06-21-2005, 17:59
Did a little more planning/investigating today and the idea is on hold. The fender cavity is not open behind the cornering lamp lens as I originally thought, so the extra air would still need to go through the duct into the fender unless I'd cut a hole in the fender.

06-22-2005, 16:40
Yyou can box in the bracket under the battery tray.
Then open up the area between the battery support and the turn lamp. Someone has done this and it looks good. I am not sure how big of a filter will fit but the concept was right.