View Full Version : Chevy vs. GMC in sales

09-16-2002, 21:20
With all the conversation about the looks of the `03 Chevy vs the GMC, does anyone have someway of finding out how many of each are being sold. Would be interesting info.


09-16-2002, 23:05
Check out this address and go to their news page. It will compare the YTD and current month sales with last yrs. figures for the top 10 best selling pickup trucks. If you add the Chevy and GMC sales together, they are beating the sales of the Ford F series on a year to date basis. http://www.pickuptruck.com/

09-17-2002, 06:15
I would be interested to see how many '03 Averados have sold as well, because I bought mine a month ago, and to date I have yet to see another one being driven on the street. The dealers lots are full of them though.

I like the looks of the new Averado by the way, and all you guys are just jealous ;)


09-17-2002, 07:35
Let's see some pic's 3TV!