View Full Version : Swiss Cheese Air cleaner box

09-17-2002, 08:35
It is time to punch the holes in my Air box. I have the Amsoil filter, Edge Juice and 4"Banks exhaust but I think holes will help.
I get 18 - 22 empty and 13 towing my 8K 5ver.

What is the best way to punch holes?

Any thoughts or ideas,



09-17-2002, 08:41
I used a Uni-bit.

See them at- www.unibitstepdrill.com

09-17-2002, 08:44
How many holes? What size? Which side?


09-17-2002, 09:29
I used around a 1" holesaw to bore holes in the front side ( behind headlight). I drilled wherever there were not any ridges inside.


09-17-2002, 10:08
what ID said..

I also put another 2 in the bottom for drainage as well....

Want MORE air?? Try ram air... GUTTER STYLE!!!

09-17-2002, 10:31
I just did this modification this weekend and it is very simple.

First of all, remove the cover of the airbox and push to the side. Remove air filter. Pull up on airbox on the side towards the engine to pop the 2 holddown clips. The third clip is in the upper lefthand corner standing at the front of the truck. You do not pull it up, but rather pull the box towards the engine and it will pull free of a slot.

I drilled about 20-25 holes in my box on the bottom and sides between all the ribs using a 3/4" wood holesaw. This is the kind with a center drill and circular saw type bit. It cuts holes easily in the box material. After cutting the holes, I spent a fair amount of time dressing up the holes to remove flashing that was created.

09-17-2002, 10:34
Mark, look here-


The pictures of my Swiss Cheese job are towards the bottom.

09-17-2002, 11:02
Next Question....
Do the holes make a noticeable difference in:


Thank you all for your help.

09-17-2002, 12:21
I have the early 2001 air box with the two snorkels in the fender. I left the snorkels as they are, but I also cut out a triangular opening in the front of the air box, facing the headlight assembly, along with some extra holes in the bottom for drainage. I also went to the Amsoil dual foam filter. The biggest benefit I have noticed is that it no longer sucks in my filter minder when towing down the interstate. The turbo was writing checks that the airbox could not cash. The mileage may have improved some as a result of it now delivering proper quantities of air on demand. I haven't done any other performance mods, but it seems to make sense that if you go to bigger exhaust you will want better air flow into the engine to match the extra air flow out.

09-17-2002, 18:27
I did what Nels did ,cut the bottom front triangle piece completly out . Adds about a third more intake area. I also put a 1/2 inch hole in every square in the bottom . Along with the Amzoil 2 Stage filter. My mileage on the next tank improved 1 1/2 mpg. Been their or better every tank after.. :D

I left the corner in for strength also...

[ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: deerhunter7 ]</p>

09-17-2002, 20:12
1 hole for me. Just the triangular shaped area below the filter facing forward. I left the corner in for rigidity. You should see what I mean once you have it out.

Used a die grinder to saw it out in one big section.