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View Full Version : Fuel In oil, Cylinder Head Failure

03-21-2002, 23:49
I wanted to post this in an effort to share an experince and not to cause panic or mayhem.

I posted "diesel fuel in oil" some time ago. I documented some of the trials and efforts that I have gone through. The dealer just called and revelaed that they finally found the leak. There is a cylinder head failure that is causing the problem.

The dealer has requested from GM to get a new engine. The factory rep has said no to this and wants to replace the heads. I have requested a technical response to why I shouldn't get a new truck or at least a new motor.

Does anyone have input on this?
My feeling is that I don't want them tearing into a new motor (4000 miles) at this stage of the game. I am lacking confidence in the results.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

03-22-2002, 00:02
With only 4K on it, I would insist on a new motor. The potential problems don't end with just the heads. You have had fuel in the oil for an unknown, possibly extended period. Not good. If they just replace heads, your brand new truck now has an overhauled engine in it, with built in potential problems. I know it's your truck, and you have to live with what happens, but don't settle for their first response.

03-22-2002, 01:16

Ask if they will warrant the engine over and above. I mean if they are sure that the orginal engine is unharmed, ask them to stand behind it for six or seven years with no questions asked. Ask if they would be willing to put this engine in their truck. Ask if they realize that many prospective buyers are looking on at this moment, looking to see how they stand behind their product. I looked on for many months before I commited to buy my truck, and I love my 3500 ZF 4x4. But there are customers on their own "Top Dead Center" watching how your problem works out.

Forgive the winded post; just my 2 Denars, 2 Pesos, 2 Lira or whatever's in my pocket today.

Mike :rolleyes:

03-22-2002, 11:10
Thanks for the input.
GM customer service has recommended I contact the BBB. They apparently accept the BBB's recomendation on how to proceed in cases like this.
There are bigger issues at work here though. If and when I go to resell this truck, prospective buyers can find out it's history very easily. This sort of thing can damage the value.

D-max Man
03-22-2002, 11:18
I would be very interested in any info you can provide about this Cylinder head issue. The only place that the head can cause fuel to get into the oil is the low pressure return port at one end of the head. It usually has less than 7 psi so it is unlikely that this is the problem.

I did get 3 heads (One that was never installed) back from one dealer who claimed that this was leaking (Externally) and that they could see the crack in each head with a bore scope. I personally checked each head and found no problems with any of them. The so-called crack that this dealer saw was a casting line. This dealer eventually changed the engine to correct this problem only to find that the fuel leak was still there. They finally discovered a leaking function block was the source of the leak.

Like I said above, Please provide me with any info concerning this issue so I can investigate it.

03-22-2002, 11:35
Thanks D-Max Man!
I just talked to the dealer and they told me that the problem (they think) with the head is that either there was poor machining or there is a porosity problem.
I will put a call in to the mechanic to find out how they made this determination.
One thing that was said was that they did conclusively find a leak. They replaced all the return lines at the recomendation of the GM tech line. After doing so and performing a leak test, this was revealed.

I will report back after speaking to the mechanic.

03-22-2002, 12:15
D-Max Man, can I contact you regarding this?
What is your e-mail or you can e-mail me at:

03-22-2002, 19:54
D-max man, thanks for your help on this issue.
The dealer did not get back to me.
What are your thoughts or input?
How would you feel about this type of repair on a new truck? Would you recommend I move for a buy back?

03-22-2002, 20:35
Mad-Max good luck with this one. Where do you live and what dealer are you dealing with?

03-23-2002, 14:34
I live in Chandler Arizona and I am dealing with Chapman Chevrolet.

04-01-2002, 23:29
So it has been three weeks and still no truck back.
The dealer has pulled the suspect head and found an internal leak in the fuel return line inside the head.
The GM rep has said that they are to only fix the head for now.
I am documenting everything that is being said and done for future reference.
I have talked to some people in the know who have said that if the mechanic is careful putting it all back together, there should be no long term issues.
I am still going to go and file a complaint with the BBB to document the whole thing in case I experience any other problems.

At this point, I just want my damn truck back. I miss it. :( :( :(

[ 04-01-2002: Message edited by: madmax7 ]</p>