View Full Version : Metal Residue on dipstick?, only 15k miles.

Larry Decker
10-29-2003, 14:12
Today I checked my oil as usual when I fuel up. I noticed today that there was a grey residue on the white paper towel I used to wipe the dipstick. I have heard in the past that this is metal resdiue, I do not know how valid that source was though. The oil has just under 5k on it, changed at the dealer, bone stock rig. It is also down two notches on the stick, is that noraml for 5k miles. My truck is a daily driver that only tows a ski boat a few times a summer. Any feedback is greatly apprecited, I hope I am just paranoid. Best regards, Larry Decker

10-29-2003, 15:02
Doesn't sound good to me. I've never seen that on my dipstick, of course I don't check the oil that often because it doesn't seem to use any. Over 50k miles now. :D

I would get an oil analysis to be sure of what it is. It could be water or antifreeze. I have seen water make oil look grayish. Of course you said you noticed it on the paper towel. So does the oil look normal otherwise?

I think the oil analysis is the best way to have a little peace of mind.

Good luck

Russ Denman
10-29-2003, 15:45
I noticed the grey residue just before my first oil change at about 6800 miles. I have had that residue ever since and have 32K on the truck. I have had 3 oil analysis done and they do not indicate excessive lead or iron in the oil but my copper has been high. I suspect grey is soot. I am using about 2 quarts of oil per 7500 miles. I did not use any oil the first 6800 miles.

max out
10-29-2003, 16:31
Two quarts of oil seems a bit high to me, hope mine doesn't start doing that,I'm at 6000 now.

10-29-2003, 16:39
Holy smokes Batman, 2Qts of oil every 7500 miles!!!! I guess I'll never know how much oil I use cuss I change oil every 5000Km (3000miles) and I never had any gray gung on the dip stick, my guess is that gray stuff is condensate in an oil pan with two much oil being beaten into a foam by the crank shaft, well its just a thought probably a wild one, been there done that.

good luck

10-29-2003, 22:09
I would really be concerned with the truck using 2 quarts of oil in 7500 miles. What type of oil are you using? Synth or dino? I believe that I would have a dealer check into this. May not be much but it couldn't hurt to have it on record. Any blue smoke on start up or acceleration?

Just my two coppers. ;)

10-30-2003, 07:54
I would visit the dealer soon.
Hard to say what the residue is on the stick.
An oil analysis would certainly help here.
As far as adding oil, I have gone 5k to 6k on changes a few times now, have yet to add any make-up oil, and never seen any gray.
You said you noticed the gray when fueling? If your checking on fill-ups and just noticed the gray, then something just happened. I doubt water is the cause, your oil would be gray, not just gray residue. And it would have to be a pretty substantial amount of water, seems you'd notice white smoke in exhaust.
Definitly get an analysis done. Take one today, I hope its nothing but you gotta figure out where this is coming from. Good luck