View Full Version : Newbie - already hooked

07-25-2003, 21:05
Thanks to everyone here for an awesome site!!

Lurking since May and had to join. I bought my 03 D/A CC at the end of May. I knew the first time I drove one of these it was THE truck for me. The Mrs. liked the 1/2 ton better but was gracious enough to let me get the truck she knew would keep a grin on my face for a LONG time.

I am new to diesels and have been reading what I can get my hands on.
Any suggestions for resources to help me better understand diesel technology and spec. the Duramax? I know there are volumes of information but am just looking for something to get me started.

I haven't done much to my truck yet. The fumoto drain is awesome No more mess. Any other changes I made were all largely influenced by this page (Line-X and Step Bars).

I know it won't be long. Additional fuel, air and oil filtration and "won't this this engine be better off if it could breath a little better?". Then, a bit more power would be nice. That one will be a bit more difficult sell for the "accountant". That is the point were the modification is purely for enjoyment! Who am I kidding just driving this truck stock is awesome!
Tough day at work? Nothing better than the sound and smell of a diesel and the whistle as I'm passing! :D

Lastly, where is this CT event for Saturday? I may try to attend to chek it out.

Thanks again to everyone.

Already hooked (on this truck and this page),


07-25-2003, 21:14
the search function will reveal lots of info.....welcome and email mac for the tranny roast directions :D :D dave

07-26-2003, 04:41
tranny roast directions:eek: :eek: :eek:

May the drums be gentle and I keep my feet in order in the parking area ...... tongue.gif

Doubt it !!!!!!!

Mac :D :D :D

Mike you've come to the right place ...... You got mail .....

07-26-2003, 06:21
Dave thanks I've been using search and will continue to do so. It is not uncommon that I start looking for one thing and before I know it Hrs. have passed. I guess that is how it all starts. A little knowledge is good and more is better!

Mac thanks for the directions I be there!

07-26-2003, 06:31
you have already found the answers to almost any questions you have right here on this forum. There are knowlegable people from many areas including the people that make these great trucks and ones that work on them every day. I have learned more here than I could have learned anywhere else. I did a lot of reseach because this was my first diesel and wasn't sure if I was ready for one. My research brought me here and found more info than anywhere else. And last but not least these people are great and sometimes just fun to read. Plus you can talk about how much you love your truck with having people look at ya funny. :rolleyes:

07-28-2003, 06:11
Welcome to the DP.

Another CT member, hmmmmm, looking like we have more than a few out here :D .

We will try to be a bad influence on you, just give me and Mac your credit card number and we'll do the rest, heck we will even road test the Mods for ya. :eek: tongue.gif .

Anyway, welcome and I'll catch up with you soon. At the next meeting, which by the way is coming up in September I think.

E-mail me or Mackin for the wher and when.