View Full Version : power max comp and va bursting issues

king D
07-31-2003, 14:07
i recently had my van aaken reflashed for the big program,225,well when i got it back and tried it out i got the same poping bursting effect that some others have described getting.well on a hunch from mike at bully dog i took a pair of needle nose pliers and lightly pulled on all the pins on both the chip and the truck,and then smeared a healthy dose of electrical grease over the female sides of both the chip and truck connectors.hoppped in and went for a short ride and evrything seemed to be ok so i layed into it and away i went.no pops or burps.this may not work for everyone but from what i haved found from talking with others this just may be the ticket....jess

TST Tech
07-31-2003, 15:16
Thanks for the post King D, Maybe if the current gets high enough the pins aren't making good enough contact :confused: Who knows? To my knowledge, we've never had any bursting problems with our standard 140 h.p. program, only when we came up with the comp version. Hopefully you're on to something there. Have a great day ;) , Greg

07-31-2003, 15:22
King D what do you think of the 225.

king D
07-31-2003, 16:28
well the power comes on aa little farther up the rpms than i would like but when it does holy sh.t batman!!i looked down and was pushin over 40psi and climbing,so i let off and poped the hood and opened the wastgate up about half way.the only thing i see as a down is it is right on the red line the whole way down the stretch poping a time or too from the redline .really awesome,i am still learning and playing,the new quadzilla tuner should be here tommorrow and he thinks it will flat smokw the va or the comp juice ....il let you know

07-31-2003, 17:32
WHAT is "Bursting"???
Thanks, seen it before but not enough context to understand.

07-31-2003, 18:43
I kinda liken it to water in a fuel system, or back firing(both gasser) its just a sound it makes when running out of fuel(bc the Inj. pump cant pull enough fuel for whats required)
Right? I heard it for the first time on Saturday
VA 225 Box.

07-31-2003, 19:18
The reality is, that the TST, Super Juice and VA 220 are all very close in peak output level. There is only SO long that you can pulse an injector...

What King D said about the later hit on the VA is also quite true and very apparent on the dyno.

king D
07-31-2003, 19:21
Originally posted by thechevyhdman:
I kinda liken it to water in a fuel system, or back firing(both gasser) its just a sound it makes when running out of fuel(bc the Inj. pump cant pull enough fuel for whats required)
Right? I heard it for the first time on Saturday
VA 225 Box. yes that is what i am talking about but the electrical grease eliminated 100 percent of it

08-01-2003, 01:04
My VA sounds similar when it bounces off the governor but no other time. The TST does it all through the rpm range in the high settings under load. Van Aaken used to have some programs that come in sooner than anyone elses but the made very extreme egt's. I haven't found anything yet that will make more power than a Van Aaken box.
King D you better quit playing with the wastegate or your going to end up with a blown up turbo.

[ 08-01-2003, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: CPMac632 ]

king D
08-01-2003, 04:46
cpmac most times closing off the wastgate doesnt hurt but helps to keep the egts cooler.to be honest the this chip is the only one i have ever tried that has pushed that kind of boost usually 32 or 33 is it ,i dont ever see it over 35 thats why wheen it was climbing so fast i stopped and adjusted...live and learn,heck its time for a better turbo anyhow...jess

08-01-2003, 07:19
I know it doesnt' hurt to close the wastegate with a little box but when you get one that will build a lot of boost it can break with the wastegate line plugged. I know of 7 turbos exploding and 6 of them had the wastegate line plugged with a big box.

king D
08-01-2003, 09:18
i got you we are on the same tune,thanks for the input