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04-23-2003, 11:00
I read where several members have checked the tightness/replaced the bolts that hold the torque convertor to the flex plate.How did you tackle this job, was a lift rack used? How much time did the job take? I looked at it & seems very difficult laying under the truck.
Any & all help appreciated.


04-23-2003, 11:04
access to the bolts is through the starter hole, starter has to be removed to do this. could be a bit awkward on the ground

04-23-2003, 12:00
Ummmm, should this keep me awake tonight? :rolleyes:

This is a new one to me, is it a silent killer like high blood pressure? Any symptoms to watch for? Clearly, loose bolts would be a bad thing.....

04-23-2003, 14:02
willow, there have been a few issues with these bolts coming loose, you will notice a ticking sound from bell housing area. usually only one makes it all the way out, extreme cases it wollers out the holes in the flexplate. I would stick with the 'ol adage here, if it aint broke.......
Unless your in for an afternoon under the truck that is, while your there, might as well put new bolts in.

04-23-2003, 15:05
Do you know approximately how much shop time this would be at the dealer?

04-23-2003, 15:25
Thanks, I was being a bit factious there. It

04-23-2003, 19:09
Chipper, I would have to guess it to be in the 1.5 hour range. I will check the books tomarrow and post published time.

Thats a good q' willow. I will have to dig into that and follow up. The bolts have gone through two part no changes and are now on the third, I think they are aware of the problem or they would not change the bolts. If they are ever removed, they MUST be replaced.

Lone Eagle
04-23-2003, 20:19
Sounds like they must have nyloc inserts in the threads. Maybe the first ones didn't. I haven't heard of this problem since the first 01 came out. As I remember, they came loose from the factory. Later! Lone Eagle

04-25-2003, 10:23
you were going to check the "books" & let me know the time to change the T.C. bolts??

04-25-2003, 15:05
I guess great minds think alike..... I was just at my Allison dealer an hour ago picking up a filter and this very subject came up. The service manager said it took his guy's about 2 hours to do the job. I'm going to do it my self over the week-end. Kieth was very good about giving a few photocopies from the service manual so I have a better idea of what I'm up against also gave me the replacement bolts that Allison had put out for this TSB. There is allready some sort of thread locker on the bolts in the bag. I understand that the bolts from factory are T-50 Torx, so I'll have to go out and grab one of thse puppies.
Just a word of caution about working though the starter hole.... you would'nt want to drop a socket or one of the bolts inside the bellhousing.... that would make for a looong night..:)


04-25-2003, 19:26
Chipper, sorry I took so long. Actual labor time would be dependent on the dealer but I would not pay more then two labor hours. If you were at my dealer, Your paperwork would say "ticking noise from back of engine area" and you would be getting six new bolts!.

Diesel Dragon
04-25-2003, 19:45

The ticking sound that you describe with the loose TC bolts does it sound like an exaust pipe thats warming up and you here that tinny metal expanding sound. If it is I think mines loose too and I barely have 1,200 miles. Hmmmm I guess I'll have to investigate a little more this weekend.

Later Diesel Dragon :cool:

04-25-2003, 20:38
Thanks for the help, much appreciated. smile.gif

04-26-2003, 16:04
Dragon, please dont get paranoid over this! Typically the sound you will hear will change in gear and is very noticable. You might be expieriencing the famous 'tick' which is normal.

If you do drop a bolt or socket, you might be able to retrieve it through the tin covers on the bottom side of the bell housing. I just keep a small pocket magnet handy and havent had any problems.