View Full Version : Service Techs need glasses

01-14-2003, 01:22
Well being in such a happy mood yesterday figures something would go wrong today to pee me off. Im sure you heard about my traveling up a guard rail on my control arm deal. Went off the road, up a guard rail, cut the wheel, flew back off it. Anyways I brought it in 2 weeks ago to have them check it out (it pulled to the right). I told them what happened. They said "...No frame, suspension, etc, damage" They align my front end for a high price of $127.00 no big deal I think. They said it aligned perfect. Well its been pulling since to the right side like it did before my alignment. Service manager calims "we spotted absolutely no damage" Well I get underneath to service my truck today. I take one look at my lower control arm and I say Holy Ship. The front part of the control arm pulled out from the frame, elongated the bolt hole to the point where theres only 1/4" of steel keeping my control arm in place. I cant believe they missed it. I called em up and said you SOB's did you even look at it, "Yes we did" yeah Im lucky the bolt didnt pull all the way out and cause me to crash. I got their attention pretty good. Going in tommorrow for a free fix. Never mind, these other 2 things that really got me tweaked too. One being they replaced my spare tire to underneath the bed, didnt lock the tire down snug to the frame(explains the clunking Ive been hearing) And granted the second thing I complained about, rattling drivers door when closing. There excuse for it not being fixed. "Drivers door rattled due to customers tools in side pocket, removed tools, Could not duplicate problem" Now geez I guess I didnt realize that two peices of metal touching each other made any noise. Real reason for door rattle, found out when installing new speakers the other day, "broken and dangling tweeter speaker." I buy something new so I dont have to lose time and money working on it, and here I am doing work myself on a warranteed truck. Really cant get anyone to do anything right anymore. I dont mean to rip on Techs, Theres good and bad of everyone, Guess I should just rely on my own knowledge(and eyes) and do everything myself. Sorry just had to vent.