View Full Version : Hey MP

01-16-2003, 13:13
I can't believe you shut down a thread on a question on the status of a product that there is quite a bit of interest in I would be happy to hear your reasoning for shutting down my thread!! :mad: The title of the tread was in jest.
I thought this forum was for talking about our trucks and upgrades if you want to start editing every little thing I think you will be having fewer and fewer members renewing their membership!
Don Moran

[ 01-16-2003: Message edited by: dontxs ]

[ 01-16-2003: Message edited by: dontxs ]

[ 01-16-2003: Message edited by: dontxs ]</p>

01-16-2003, 13:50
i agree theres something strange here :confused: dave

[ 01-16-2003: Message edited by: sdaver ]</p>

01-16-2003, 14:20
Don't you have James' phone number? Call him up! Call Diablo!

What you are doing by posting this here is really no different than seeing a guy that owes you some money in Wal-Mart and shouting over a bullhorn asking when it's coming...

I really doubt the membership will suffer :rolleyes: ...

More Power
01-16-2003, 14:28
#1- Asking about your order with a vendor is not what this BB is for.

#2- When there is news about Diablo Predator availability, it'll be posted.

#3- People need to give RWTD a break. He's not the manufacturer. I could list many products that missed an introductory deadline (i.e. service manuals, Juice boxes, trans upgrades, fan-clutches, etc., etc.).

One thing I've learned these past three years of running a BB, is that generally, when someone goes on, and on, and on, posting negative comments about a product, a vendor, a web site, or a person..... They have an angle.... Panhandlers have done this, those who push products for a competing vendor have done this, those with a personal vendetta or just plain mean-spirited have done this, and so it goes.

If you are interested in a Diablo Predator, I would ask that you wait till they are released before making your decision about buying one. There'll be plenty of discussion right here when that time comes. If you pre-ordered one, and aren't happy with the delays, simply ask for a refund.


01-16-2003, 14:33
I guess no one else here is interested about the status of after market products and there release dates!! So next time some one ask about the juice updates why don't you just not answer them on the board, just calm down it was just a question, apparently someone is concerned that it might take away some business from the juice, but I believe there are enough consumers out here to make all of yall some $$$. Who knows I may even buy the Juice and stack also.

MP, I am not being negative nor complaining, I just thought others might be interested in the status as well.....

[ 01-16-2003: Message edited by: dontxs ]</p>

01-16-2003, 16:30
Don- send me an e-mail.

01-16-2003, 16:34
I have a feely that RWTD will post just as soon as the Predator become available. What I saw toward the end of that thread was a bunch of negative bantering that was less than a productive discussion of the subject matter.

I agree with the closing of the thread. I am also interested in learning more about the Predator when the product becomes available.

01-16-2003, 19:27
Hey Everyone,

I have been sitting here reading all the different threads and all of the posts and come on!!!!

RWTD deserves to have his product listed as he pays to advertise it here and to have it discussed here before, when and after it get's released.

If it's launch to the public is delayed and you have pre-paid I can understand your frustration. I special order all kinds of things and rarely are they ever delivered on time.

I am also sure that the product will be updated, improved and tweaked. Whether they charge or not is anybody's guess.

Let it be, if you really can't wait ask for your money back. Then if it is what it is claimed to be wait in line again for one.

But let's all wait and see if this is what it is claimed to be.

I am sure if it falls on it's face it will be posted here PRONTO.


Just my $.02 cents.



01-16-2003, 19:40
I think the difference here is the he is not only advertising but posting. He's using the forum to hype the product that has well missed the deadline. If he doesn't want to take heat then he needs to just stay away and say he's not aware of the current deadline.

MP and Tough Guy shutting down threads and threatening posters is a little childish too. I know it's their board but it's silly letting vendors post what they want but shielding them from the arrows when they aren't delivering.

[ 01-16-2003: Message edited by: FirstDiesel ]</p>

01-16-2003, 19:48

01-17-2003, 11:16
The beauty of the missed deadline is this; usually in these situations,someone has discovered a critical error and has decided that rather than release an inferior product, they would prefer to lose some money up front and get it right.

The beauty of really P.O.d consumers is that it shows the manufacturer that there is a demand for the product.

Maybe this will help: http://www.angermgmt.com/

01-17-2003, 11:34
How am I feeling right now?
___ Anxious ___ Worthless ___ Hostile ___ Depressed
___ Mean/evil ___ Revengeful ___ Bitchy ___ Bitter
___ Rebellious ___ Paranoid ___ Victimized ___ Numb
__X_ Sarcastic ___ Resentful ___ Frustrated ___ Destructive

What happened to make you angry?
If we can focus on the specific incident which triggered our anger, our anger becomes more understandable and more easier to manage.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

___N/A____I'm not sharing and I don't have to________________________________________________ ___________________

__________________________________________________ ________________________

__________________________________________________ ________________________

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Who am I angry at?
___ My own self ___ My spouse ___ My partner ___ My boss
___ The kids ___ God ___ The Human Race ___ My Life
___ All men ___ Women ___ Other races __X_ Miscellaneous

Thanks dude I feel better all ready.....LOL

Can you imagine .......I have to save that link......Not that I need it..... :rolleyes: But to share with others,ya that's it !!!!!!

MAC :D :D :D

01-17-2003, 12:48
Mac: As with most my posts, I'm glad you appreciate my sense of humor. Should've known it'd be you to take the bait first. :D :D

01-17-2003, 19:12
Our anger usually will involve five (5) general areas.
(1) Our anger at others, (2) Others anger at us, (3) Our anger at self, (4) Residual anger from the past, or (5) Abstract anger. See our books and tapes on managing and coping with anger for a more detailed discussion of these five objects of anger.

Now that you have established the fact that you are angry and that your anger has an "object" in the real world, you are ready for the fourth step in working through the anger process. You are ready to factor your anger into its main components. If you can identify the specific facets of your anger, you will be in a better position to put your anger into a more moderate and more manageable perspective. You can do this by asking yourself a series of focusing questions.

4. How did the situation make me feel besides angry?

I resent being forced to give into them all the time. It makes me feel powerless!


I need more Juice!!!

Now that you have pin-pointed your feelings underlying your anger, you are now ready to put your anger in a clearer perspective. The next step is to "peel" your anger down to the next layer.

01-17-2003, 21:34

Vette Racer
01-17-2003, 23:59
You know, I was going to say something really good but now, Naw, Get a life! Just give me some juice!

01-18-2003, 09:00
With that said,

Let's get back to talking about Duramax Diesels..
