View Full Version : 10,000 and counting

David Utz
07-30-2003, 05:55
Check out the counter. We just passed 10,000 registered members. smile.gif :D , :D :D :D

Turbo Al
08-03-2003, 13:33
:eek: :eek:

gene smith
08-03-2003, 19:02
I don't see no counter----where it at

gene smith
08-03-2003, 19:07
AL GOT 2 Member #s how he do that--huh musta paid twice :confused: :confused: :confused:

David Utz
08-04-2003, 05:45
Gene, it's on the opening page where all of the forums are listed. Look at the line between the title and the forum listings.
"Registered Members: 10021"
I think Al got lost in the system durring one of the upgrades. Several long term members became "new members" and had to start over with new member numbers and 0 posts.

Turbo Al
08-06-2003, 23:44
Gene go to forum home page and counter is on right hand side near top in margin.
David is almost correct on the difference in Member numbers. I was online when the system crashed and lost all my previous posts (about 900) and had to get new identiy etc. I use to be Turboal. However the #750 is my original DP Member number and has nothing to do with this forum (which came much later than DP Page) So all Members actually have two numbers, one for the forums and one for the DP Page.