View Full Version : Mega / OEM filter info.

a bear
08-10-2003, 21:18
Well after loosing patients and wanting to see inside that Mega filter I cut it and the OEM open and this is what was found. After 16993 miles the Mega element looks as though it could go another 15K. That is if you were to go by the media color. This is one tough filter. Took 3 Dremel blades to finally cut it open. For those of you that mounted theirs on the frame rail and was worried about rocks damaging it. DONT!! I also found that the internals were very well made and the upper seal had good compression via the use of a strong spring on the under side. Impossible for any fuel to bypass the media. The part I was most impressed with was the whopping 1017 Sq. inches of media surface area. (7 Sq. Ft.)
Fuel velocity is definitely very slow through this media. Thanks JK for an excellent product.

On another note it appears that I can now be sure that the lift pump is doing its job keeping the filters fluid packed on the dirty sides. The OEM media was also completely used and rid of the vapor/fluid interface line.(black on bottom) It was MUCH more dirty than previous changes which tells me the efficiency was greatly improved.

Now for the bad news. When examining the OEM filter the lower plate fell off very easily and cleanly from the glue that holds it to the media. It was so easy that it could have easily done this while is service allowing all filtered solids to wash off the element and go straight to the injectors provided it is the last in line. :eek: I have lost so much faith in this filter that when my warranty is up it will be replaced. I wonder how many filters have possibly came apart while in service and went undetected as not many folks out there cut open their filters. I'm not trying to sell the post oem secondary option BUT!

Has anyone that cut filters seen similar? I am now thinking of installing a SS spring that can be compressed by but not interfere with the H2O sensor plug that will keep the bottom plate in place. To see the pics go to the bottom link and click Dmax cut open filters then ->
1.Mega and OEM Filters.
2.Failed OEM Racor filter
3.OEM Racor filter

[ 08-10-2003, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: a bear ]

08-10-2003, 21:51
Thanx Tommy Bear,
Man, JK's Big Baldwin, 7sq ft? And you're est abt 30k mi already?
We went w/stanadyne below & cat forward so when we delete oem probly goto the baldwin to replace the cat.
And very good news abt the lift pump making the filters(not oem), filters do their job right.
I just get a feeling for those that are w/o a clue to any of this.

Thnx, Gben

08-11-2003, 01:24
a bear,

Thanks for the photos. I cut my OEM Racor open at 16664 miles
and it looked just like yours at:


It appears to me from the evidence seen that we could run
the OEM filters for a longer interval.

I'm still sold on the concept of putting in post OEM secondary
filtration.............. be it Racor, CAT, Mega or Stanadyne.
(with no air issues)

On a side note, my brother in law has a 2 micron Racor mounted on the frame
as a pre OEM and it is currently at 9,000 miles. When it gets to 10,000 miles
we'll cut it open and post the photos. I'm most curious.

a bear
08-11-2003, 06:29
The pic you posted was a previous filter with about 12K on the truck with no fuel mods. Notice the interface mark and where the fuel ran down the element dirty side from the inlet holes. Definitely shows a NON fuel packed dirty side and incomplete element utilization.
However the pics listed at the bottom of my previous post (With the lift pump and post Mega installed) show a fluid packed and MUCH more efficient/dirty OEM element at 14322 used miles. Several times more dirty and near the end of it's usefull life. Only problem is that the lower plate fell off upon inspection which has me concerned. Just another reason to have the Mega,Cat,Racor,whatever post oem. IMHO


08-11-2003, 08:35
OEM filter the lower plate fell off very easily and cleanly from the glue that holds it to the media

a bear,

Could it be that your lift pump pressure caused this plate to fail
where our OEM filter under it's normal vacuum
will work as it is supposed to?

a bear
08-11-2003, 09:01
No correlation to pressure or vac where this happened. The diffriential would be the same. Just appears to be poor bonding to the plate. To the best of my knowledge Mdrag cuts open his filters and also found a failed OEM filter. I now wonder what the frequency of occurance is among the thousands of other filters that are not inspected. :eek:

a bear
08-11-2003, 09:24
Sorry for the dups. Trying to put out the info W/O causing alarm.

08-11-2003, 10:23

Thanks for the great pics of the cut open Mega and OEM filters. The Mega looks barely used while the OEM looks fully consumed at l4322 miles. From the looks of your picture, the Mega should easily go 30kmiles. After seeing how dark your OEM was at 14322 would you change the next one earlier? When I cut open my original OEM filter at approx 10kmi it had the line in the middle, but I didn't notice the lower plate being loose.

Also, seeing how your lift pump uniformly darkened the OEM filter reminded me of how used filters looked coming out of my 98 6.5 - which also had a lift pump.

[ 08-11-2003, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: jbplock ]

08-11-2003, 10:55
Looking at these Photo's has me convinced that the OEM set up is lacking badly!
With that said. Is there a better filter that will fit the OEM mount? Until I can get the time/funds etc..to add the post oem filter I would like to know I was getting better filtration.

08-11-2003, 12:24
a bear,

Your are correct - I also posted on a failed OEM fuel filter - except mine was on the truck when it failed....

I heard a clanging noise while removing the filter :eek: that turned out to be the metal end cap rolling about...

I cut open an OEM Dmax fuel filter with 70K miles on it (sent to me by Kennedy - a customer of his). I don't believe this guy has a lift pump, and surprise, the filter media was completely black....

I've had a few with completely used media - the one that failed had 3K miles on it.

I'd like to see a low mileage OEM fuel filter (3K - 5K miles) from someone running a lift pump cut open - send it to me if you like.

a bear
08-11-2003, 12:24
I planning on going 12500 on the OEM then every other change or 25000 Mi. on the Mega and see how things work out. Also I plan on taking fuel samples 2 or 3 times in the process and go from there based on results. The hardest part will be to restrain myself from looking inside that Mega filter for 25K miles. Love doing maintenance and the smell of diesel. :D

This was discussed way back when. Unfortunately there is only one filter for the head right now.

08-11-2003, 12:45
Thanks a bear. looks like I might be getting the post oem sooner than later...Which means I have to wait on the Quadzilla.. :(

Oh well.....


Lone Eagle
08-11-2003, 13:10
What filter are you planning to replace the OEM with and where are you going to put it? Later! Lone Eagle

08-11-2003, 13:11
Thanks a bear. looks like I might be getting the post oem sooner than later...Which means I have to wait on the Quadzilla.. :(

Oh well.....


a bear
08-11-2003, 13:35
The pic of the OEM in the below link that the end cap fell off of was run with the lift pump and there was 14322 miles on it. It had complete media coverage with lots more material caught compared to my previous change at about 12K with no lift pump. Ihave this opened up filter. If you would like me to send it Email me @

Lone Eagle,
Didn't really give it a lot of thought yet. Have about 40K to go on the extended warranty. Will leave it be untill then.

[ 08-11-2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: a bear ]

08-11-2003, 16:38
a bear,

No need to send the 14K filter. I would like to see a low mileage example of an OEM fuel filter with a lift pump - say one with 3K - 5K miles.

I used a Tavia 8340 (http://www.tavia.com/cat13.html#3) to cut open the KD Mega in less than 2 minutes. If the Tavia image does not show up in this post, check the second link in my sig and choose the fuel filter album.


08-11-2003, 17:03
Another case of the OE failing makes you wonder doesn't it? It also bothers me that there are strips up the sides where there is increased blackness on short term filters I have cut up. Makes a guy think thay are channeling. Long term filters have shown black to the top.

I couldn't wait either, and pulled my Mega at 15 k. Should EASILY go 30k or more. No discoloration, BUT that could be due to the media being treated.

a bear
08-11-2003, 19:28
If the other lift pump users don't beat me to it I'll send one @ 3-5K. Should come sooner than later at the rate I'm putting on the miles lately. 1.5K last week alone. smile.gif Will get the address later.

Lone Eagle
08-11-2003, 19:37
A Bear, What is the flow path? Or where does the dirty fuel come in and go out through the element? Later! Lone Eagle

08-11-2003, 20:02
after last week my fm 100 lift pump with 10 micron prefilter and a 2 micron post lift pump but pre oem now has about 5k on all 3(oem included) filters but its all working to good to change one now. Im going to change all three at 10k :D dave

a bear
08-11-2003, 20:20
The fuel enters the outside and exits through the middle. smile.gif

Lone Eagle
08-12-2003, 19:37
Thanks a bear. Later! Lone Eagle

08-13-2003, 07:25
The blackening to the top would indicate that the filter was gradually filling up to a point where the fuel wanted to flow through the uper section ie: the path of least resistance. That said, at 9k mine looked 4/5ths used which is getting to be good plenty for me.

One thing I should mention is that the media on the Baldwin element is treated so it MAY tend to show less discoloration. A guy would have to ask Baldwin on that one...

a bear
08-13-2003, 12:50
Is it possible that the smaller particles especially in post applications can depth load into the media which would give a cleaner visual appearance even though the media is somewhat loaded. I once seen this happen in a long life filter demo. The smaller stuff would penetrate the outer layer where the big stuff would remain more at the surface. Since we capture the big stuff before it goes there it may show a cleaner surface.

[ 08-13-2003, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: a bear ]

08-13-2003, 14:30
I'd be curious to see if the 2 stripes up the side are in line or opposed to the sets of fill holes in the head plate.

Also, does the media fall free from the plastic end plate or stay attached? If it seperates, then a guy would have to clock it prior to disassembly...

On edit: can you see any coincidence between the location of the fill holes, the angle at which they are drilled and the black streaks? Any centriugal possibilities etc?

a bear
08-13-2003, 15:00
Sorry John but the filter I was refering to in the last post was the Baldwin. I was just put in contact with a Baldwin engineer by our Baldwin rep. where we purchase thousands worth of filters for or engines and other applications. He stated that the BF7635 was a depth type water shed treated media. He also seemed highly confident in the ability of this filter media. Sure you new that already.

As for the cut aways of the OEM. My black stripes did indeed form directly below the fill holes. The holes go straight out as if to be aimed at the can itself. No special orientation.

[ 08-13-2003, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: a bear ]

Jim Cobler
08-13-2003, 18:23
What Filter Head is being used to attach the Baldwin BF 7635? It is my understanding that Baldwin does not make a Head for this filter.


08-13-2003, 19:43
JK's Megafilter is a Baldwin 7635 with his custom mount. IIRC at least two other people have used an alternate mount for the 7635. Try searching the forum for "Baldwin 7635". However, IMHO, if you want to use the 7635 go with JK's setup. smile.gif

08-22-2003, 09:20
Man why do you guys have to get me all upset about my Racors.

I walked out to my truck and took a look at my spare 2m S90 Racor cartridge. Where the water bowl screws on is a thick ring that has internal tangs pressing up against the bottom of the filter bottom plate. No way the bottom plate could fall off in service.

I'm wondering that since Racor designed this into this cartridge if in fact when the OEM filter is "together", is there not a similar entrapment created by the housing? Take a brand new OEM filter and look up inside to see if you can see a mechanical retaining method designed into the canister.

I'll take some good closeups tonight.

On Edit...

I just looked inside an OEM new filter. I see no mechanical means of retaining that lower metal cap. I also saw what looks like the beginnings of corrosion spots. I get the feeling these OEM filters are really cheap. (I know) I think Racor and GM/Isuzu should be ashamed of themselves for agreeing on the design. The aftermarket Racor S90-R2 seems very stout.

[ 08-22-2003, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: hoot ]