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View Full Version : Juice 3.5x vs. 4.61??

Forced Induction
05-01-2003, 13:14
Should I update?? I don't want to lose power like I hear so many others have. But it sounds as though the 4.61(normal) help improve shift quality quite a bit. I am not happy with my shifting under full power, if this reduces the defuel time that would be great. I don't think I want the HOT juice yet because I just recieved my gauges and need to put them in soon but need to go to the dealer first to see if they can fix my potential 4wd problem. Pulls to right and makes alot of noise. ever since a full boost launch in 4wd with 90hp juice it never was the same, severe grinding at the starting line. Truck also pulses quite a bit when power braking now, even in 2wd. But other than pulsing, 2wd is perfect!! smile.gif I will install exhaust also as soon as I get the 4wd fixed. If the dealer thinks its broke that is! there is definitely something wrong!! I could give more details but this is about juice upgrades so I'll pipe down now about that.

Let me know what you normal juice guys think of the 4.61 upgrade, or should I stick with my 3.5?? Thanks guys! smile.gif


05-01-2003, 16:14
I really like the 4.61......

BUT if you are not having any issues ,stick with what you got,there's no reason to upgrade ....

Do not mess with a good thing.....If it ain't broke don't fix it ....When and if you step up to the HOT plate do it then .....

Some guys are running earlier version then your's ,without confirmation even....Some of the earliest boxes were the best .... I'll bet if we could of gotten say a 3.0 upgraded at the time to HOT you'd see alot more limp'ers ....
California wrecked it for us ....Anti smokers,smog haters .....

MAC smile.gif

05-01-2003, 17:33
Always trying to put CA down... we may have tough laws and be run by Dems but it still is a great place...

05-01-2003, 18:33

CA and Ford my arch enemies .... :D

Great place to visit ,So Calif,I get to leave when I'm done ....

MAC :D :D :D

[ 05-01-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>