View Full Version : When do you say I have had enough??

07-20-2004, 19:47
I am sure a lot of you guys know the problems I had with my 01 and then when I got my 04 it seemed things went from bad to really bad.

With just a few hundred miles it started smoking so bad you couldn't see the road behind you. Many weeks in the shop and all the phone calles to GM they finaly offered to find me a new truck just like the one I have or order me a new one.

Guess what??? Now they want to change the offer and just refund my money. Their reason: We are to busy to build you a new truck and we can't find a dealer to handle the paperwork involved with the replacement.

My take is that getting my money back I loose all the discounts and coupons I had when I ordered this one and don't think they are to busy to take new orders.

I have never hired a lawyer to sue anybody before but it looks like I will have to lower my standards and find one of those hungry CA lawyers to get GM to make this right.

Do you think that with all the problems that a lot of the Duramax owners have had would qualify for a CLASS ACTION status? I don't know much about the law but it will not take long to find somebody that does.

I am fed up owning a $45,000 truck that has 4,000 miles and it will not go down the freeway. Five months is way to long not to be ticked off!!

07-21-2004, 05:03
Class action really only benefits the lawyers, but ir you REALLY want to risk it on another GM/Duramax, I'd hire a lawyer.

I take it the truck is not fixed yet?

07-23-2004, 04:14
It still isn't fixed!! The funny thing is that I know of four other trucks that have the same problem.

It hasen't been to the dealer for a while cause I was thinking GM was getting me another one and it does run fine at slow speed. I guess after owning many new GM trucks sooner or latter I would get a bad one.


07-23-2004, 05:28
Do you have a lemon law where you live? Here in Pennsylvania we do and I've used the folks at 1-800-lemon-law (no joke). Didn't cost me a dime out of pocket and they got the job done.

07-23-2004, 05:45
If I were you I would take the money and run straight to my local Dodge dealer and get a Cummins. I have not had any problems with my DMax other than recently losing it for a week for a new starter and flywheel at 25,000 miles, but if the problems start I will be changing.



07-23-2004, 09:43
Yea - that's pretty wierd. 5 trucks with the same problem.

07-23-2004, 12:27
I guess I'd be interested to know if yoy want another Duramax truck, or if you are looking elsewhere???

If you get your money back (I may be missing something here) what do you lose besides time and aggravation already incurred?

It's definitely odd that 5 trucks you know of have the same problem yet none can be fixed. What is the current issue/symptoms again?

07-23-2004, 17:43
Just go through the BBB if you state has one... In Michigan they go by the RETAIL/STICKER PRICE, not just the PAID price... They will pro-rate the truck based on miles, but the owner usually comes out ahead... GM can't argue with the BBB....

Travis Baker
07-24-2004, 08:59
Should you decide to file a class action suit against GM, count me in.
my email address is kinkehee@yahoo.com
I have a 2001 that I have had a world of problems with. It smokes and the dealer tells me this is normal. It also is going into limp mode and bringing on the SES light. I can undo both battery cables and reset everything and it works fine for a while. Any way count me in on any class action.

07-25-2004, 05:45
Just got my 2002 (78,126 miles) out of the shop Friday night. Had to have my truck hauled to Tucson from Hermosillo, Mexico (300 miles) as my oil pan was full of diesel fuel. Dealer told me another fellow had his truck hauled in from Mexico City (took a week).
According to the dealer,there is a four week delay in getting injectors,however he was able to find a set in Nebraska. Seems like the problem is growing...
I had no immediate indication except finding my camper shell coated with diesel fuel. I had my truck in for service several times over the last year and no mention of injectors. My turbo was replaced on extended waranty (73,000) and a front wheel bearing was replaced at my expense as my extended warranty was 600 miles past the 75,000 mile contract.
I had noticed a decrease in mileage over the last year or so. Dealer told meat about 50,000 miles they could "clean" the injectors for $300, but I declined. Isn't 50,000 miles fairly "new".
Anyway, my biggest concern is how much damage was done to my engine while it was running diesel through my crankcase for the last year? Also, how much of the diesel I paid for went on the ground. Hundreds of dollars???
Seems to me that is Duramax is a piece of crap and I'm pretty hot over the whole thing. I miss my 454!!! Anyway, I will be all over GMC next week. I want proof positive of the condition of my engine or a new one.

07-25-2004, 18:48
nickm3, Yes CA has what I think is a good lemon law. I just though I could trust GM to keep their word and live up to the settelment ther agreed with in writing!

Netminder, I am now down to fuor of the same problems cause one of the guys just wantes his fixed and not replaced. The other guys are waiting foe the days in the shop needed to start their complaints. One of the guy's dealer doesn't even have the computer needed to work on the LLY yet.

Kennedy, Even with problems with my 01 and 04 I would be happy to have another one! When these trucks are running right they are a sweet machine. What I might loose because I haven't asked GM yet is: A $1,000 retired UAW coupon, the $2,500 cash offer that was in place at the time, $750 GM customer coupon and without digging up the paperwork there might of been one more. The problem wiht the truck is that the #8 injector has a mind of it's own and will dump fuel and smoke like mad. This will happen most times when first used in the day and run on the freeway. 60-70 mph and within a few miles it will start and not stop ratteling and smoking till I stop for a few mins and let it idle or if it has been used around town first and then the freeway doesn't seem to bother it. It needs a load to make it knock like a hill. Only once did it do it at low speeds and then I was towing a 9,000 pound boat and going around a corner at 5mph it acted up. Two computers, injector,wiring check out and still no fix.


I did the BBB first and had a hearing for a monday and on the friday befroe GM made me the offer: I pay for the miles I drove it till the first repair date $250 or so. They would try to find another one just like it. If they couldn't find one they would order one and I would have to pay the difference between the MSRP of the two and the difference in the sales tax. Then the next was if they couldn't order one they would refund the money and start a new settelment.They also said that I could drive the 04 intill they got me another truck. I should of read the offer better but I was thinking they put the last in incase they were on strike or they stopped making them or something like that. I wouldn't think that ment that if they can make more money selling them to somebody else or that they just don't want to make one was the reason for the last sentence. Gm also said they couldn't find a dealer to handle the paperwork needed to replace the truck. It also seemed funny that the BBB sent me a letter that spelled out the offer but when GM changed their mind I asked for a letter stating why and the BBB said they wouldn't give it to me. They only send out offers. I think GM wants to try to tire you out so you will just settel and not go through the BS any more.

I will be calling the lawyers tomorrow to see how to get GM's attention.


08-16-2004, 00:50
Get a lawyer, take the money, ask for attorney's fees. Sue the dealer and GM if you have to. Any settlement they offer MUST include attorney's fees. Your attorney will know what to do. You're getting jerked around and they only listen when their cajones are being squeezed. Alone you are no threat to them, a lawyer and a lawsuit is.
Kinda like when Ken Starr (yes, THAT Ken Starr) decied to let people burn up in their Ford Pintos, settle with the victims because it was cheaper than recalling all the Pintos. Jerry Spence handed Ford their cajones to them on a platter, took them years to recover financially from that. That is just the typical attitude of car/truck companies and the only thing that will get their atrention is the potential financial loss.

08-16-2004, 19:25
Just a few days before we went to see the man GM calles back to say that they have room to build me a new one and that my dealer said they would be happy to do the paper work. "How about that"

Went to my dealer last week and ordered my new 05. I am sure the wait will be long but as long as I am putting miles on "their" truck the wait will not be that bad!!

Funny that since I first posted this three more guys have sent me mail that they are having the same problem. This isn't something I have made up and with now 7 others I am starting to wonder.

Don't get me wrong. These trucks when running are hard to beat!! Why else would I want another??


08-17-2004, 06:34
So let me get this straight, you personally have had to put up with two bad eggs from GM, and you know a bunch of others with similar problems, and STILL you order another :eek:

That is WAAAAAY beyond my threshold, especially when the competition has been trouble free in my experience. Good luck with #3. Can't say I would have any sympathy if you got another bad one. You certainly have heard the old saying, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" As for a third chance, you must be a glutton for punishment.

08-17-2004, 07:54
The competition has NOT been trouble free. Troll someplace else.

08-18-2004, 05:52
Righto.....The 6.0L was a disaster for Ford. The 7.3 that I own has been trouble free for 250k miles. The two new Cummins trucks have 100k combined milage and not a single visit for any repair. Sorry if the truth is to hard to swallow :rolleyes:

Since I paid (big mistake) to post here, I will. Fact is the injectors on the duramax are a big liability that no other manufacturer has right now. The proof is right here on the board.

08-18-2004, 11:16
How many miles on the Chevy? What problems have you had with it?

Not a lot of miles on mine (24K) but not one problem, hasn't been back to the dealer.

You probably realize this, but on the forum you only hear from those with problems (as it should be), can't paint all with the same brush. At least GM is stepping up to the plate with the injector problems by extending warranty on the 2001 - 02. I wouldn't say it's a "big" liability to us.

Glad you are happy with your Dodges, me I have had good luck with GM, through the years, no reason to change.

If you are a troll, then I can care less what you have to say.

08-18-2004, 11:52

Since I paid (big mistake) to post here.... Give Jim a call. I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to accomodate you.

....Fact is the injectors on the duramax are a big liability that no other manufacturer has right now. The proof is right here on the board.
The 6.0L was a disaster for Ford Which is it?
The 6.0L PS had/has problems.

Who's head is in the sand???
Consider all things in context.
The 7.3 PS was relatively reliable. It did have problems, especially early on.
The Cummins has problems, then and now. DC sells less Diesel trucks than anyone, so of course they will have fewer complaints.

On this board, complaints aren't as common as it may appear. You can do a search for a specific problem and get a number of hits. Read on. Most of those complaints are of a few that have issues that don't get resolved immediately. Many posters aren't as patient as others. The actual numbers are quite low. Most people seek out sites like this one because they have problems. This skews the numbers. A high percentage of problems on this board does not reflect the whole picture. This web site is probably the reason GM took such an interest in good policy to remedy the problems.

As far as quality of character of the members on all the boards, read them all. The register is a joke....50%, anyway. The remaining 50% is high quality. The reason is the same as for the quality complaints. The squeaky wheels get the grease, and the attention.

Brand bashing is not tolerated on this board. If that's what you want to do, do it someplace else.

It is unfortunate that your experience has been less than ideal, but it is not the general consensus. I know of several owners that have a story just like yours, only the brands are different. Use what works. Just because it doesn't work for you is no reason to call foul. Many number of members here have had the other brand(s), and are here for their reasons. Whatever they are, their stories aren't much different than yours, other than the placement of the brand names.

If GM has such a bad product, why are you still rolling the dice? Get rid of that piece of junk and get a [brand X] to replace it.

Me, biased? Yes. I like it that way. I've been here longer than most. I took delivery on one of the first Duramax trucks, and still run the hell out of it. It's not a work truck, but I doubt your work truck would keep up with my demands. Past model year trucks (of all brands) couldn't. It works for me. It won't (it would seem) work for you.

I'm sure that all I've said has been a waste of time, but I have some to waste right now.

08-19-2004, 07:47
First...Problems on my '03. It had the service 4wd light problem. Then it had a brake booster failure problem and then the Allison burned its fluid BLACK, which GM tells me is normal????? It has 32k miles on it. It also gets bad milage compared to my Cummins trucks. It aveages about 13-14mpg where my Cummins knock down nearly 20. Not trolling, just the truth.

I also had a very early '01. That one came from the factory with a leaking lower radiator hose for starters. Then it wouldn't pull in top gear with a load, returning 5mpg in fourth on the freeway on a long trip. Then it had a failure that limped it home in third gear one day. Then the mass flow sensor failed and the reprogram for the new on fried the computer. GM tried to get me to pay for that one. I unloaded it right after that. As far as work needs, my guys were passing on driving the nicely equipped D/A to haul with the stripper 7.3 because it pulled better. On no other brand do you have to immediately replace shocks tires and mirrors to get a good work truck. I have an '03 because my wife insisted on the cushy chevy. It WILL be gone soon, you can bet on that.

I do also read the other boards. I think TDR is a much more open to problems than this site. The Ford site is pretty similar to this one, nobody can admit when their chosen brand has issues.

I have had better luck personally with both Ford and Dodge. That is where I will spend my money again next time. Nobody here want to hear that, tell me again who has their head in the sand?

Oh, and how do I give Jim a call? He lists a phone number here? How about, send me a check and delete my username and password?

08-19-2004, 08:52
Originally posted by 4diesels:
...Oh, and how do I give Jim a call? He lists a phone number here? How about, send me a check and delete my username and password? You can contact Jim (More Power) by clicking on the "Contact Us" link a the bottome of the screen or just send an email to turbo@thedieselpage.com

More Power
08-19-2004, 09:36
I guess I should have majored in Psychology, but operating a BB has certainly been an education in social behavior.

It is not the policy here to restrict anyone from discussing a problem with their truck. Offering support for and potential solutions to GM diesel pickup problems is what has motivated this web site for more than 8-1/2 years.

Anyone who is unhappy with their membership can request a refund. How could it be any other way? There are links on every single page of this web site and BB forum that will connect you to the admin.


08-19-2004, 11:19
So what is the deal with guys making attacks when problems are dicussed? Now I have been accused of trolling here a couple of times. Your buddy jp deleted a couple messages on the drivetrain section. Mine was in defense of some guy name calling.

I think there are some major problems with these trucks. There are posts all over this board about injector failures, back ordered injectors and GM's extended warranty for the injectors. Yet anytime I bring that up I must be trolling. Facts are Facts guys. This engine has issues, and the LLY STILL isn't fixed! Becuase I have had extremely good luck with a couple of Cummins powered trucks and a 7.3 Ford, I must be a bad guy I guess.

I must admit, I get a kick out of the reactions to the truth around this board.

08-19-2004, 12:45
Whats really funny here and what really gets misconstrued across all vehicle boards is that no one posts when they DON"T have any problems... its always the guys who have problems that post... thats not a bad thing because there are a lot of people who are willing to help those in need... but when you read a MSG board to learn about a product and to make a decision on a product, they are really the wrong place in some ways to do this...

'85 Tan M998 W/CTIS

08-19-2004, 14:01
That may be the theory but I'm not so sure it holds up. There are a bunch of guys here and on every forum who are just there to help, maybe never had a problem. I do just that on the TDR, never had a problem, happy to help, used to do it on the Ford site. Really the stuff that has gone wrong on the Chev is fairly minor, except maybe my transmission :mad: . I really like the ride, seats and interior. When someone has a problem I have had, I try to help. In fact most of the guys giving me heck here haven't had problems. That makes me wonder why people make the assumption you have Scott.

08-19-2004, 19:45
You called one of the members "a glutton for punishment."

The Diesel Page offers a supportive role, not an outlet for juvenile banter. Stop whining about your innocence, and abide by the intent. Truck opinions pro and con are fine.

08-20-2004, 06:33
Hey Quad, you sure read a lot into peoples posts. I think "glutton for punishment" is an apt description for someone heading for their third truck after two major failures. As for "juvenile banter", you mean like calling someone a troll, and suggesting they go elsewhere when you don't like what they have to say?

08-20-2004, 06:39
I guess I wasn't clear... those who start a topic generally are those who are having troubles with their truck. How many times have you read a topic saying "Truck is Running great" "No problems ever with my truck" etc... exactly, very very rare if at all. These forums are for those who run into issues with their truck, want to modify their truck, or possibly want to compete with them...

You are correct this isn't a HUGE problem as there are few complaints with the issue at hand when you look at the amounts of the trucks produced... hence the reason there hasn't been a recall...

anyhow... I think its time for this topic to die... I think we have beat this one to death...

More Power
08-20-2004, 09:50
Sometime later this year, DMAX will celebrate its 500,000th Duramax engine produced. I'm glad we don't have close to a half mil posting problems!

08-21-2004, 19:21

Brand loyal some what
Money loyal a lot more

I worked for GM, my brother still does, and my dad retiered from GM so I will say that I have owned many of their trucks!

My 01 had the injector problems like who knows how many others so I sold it and thought that by 04 they would have it fixed. I don't think that is getting screwed. well the 04 had something else wrong with it that after many hours of working on it they couldn't fine the problem so it was up tp me if I wanted my money back or another truck. Do the math, GMS pricing, cash back offer, retired UAW coupon, GM loyal customer discount,and I can't remember if I had another. Now most of these discounts are gone so I sure didn't want the money.

I know that the big three all have their problems and since I have owned GM most of my life with few problems maybe it was my turn.

I am now waiting for my 05 and again I hope they have got a few more bugs worked out.

The diesel sites provide the best info that is out there and the good comes with the bad!

I wonder what the % of problems show up here?

Gm is on this site everyday and hears everything you have to say. To bad that when a company gets this big they loose touch with the public.
