View Full Version : Temp ?'s

Texas Bulldog
08-07-2004, 13:42
2 Weeks ago I was pulling my RV through Austin's bumper to bumper traffic in the mid afternoon heat, 98-102 degrees. After pulling off the "freeway" and going 2-3 miles,I ran up a very steep hill and the temp on my Attitude display read 236 degrees. The hill was about 3/4 of a mile long and after getting caught at the red light at the base, I was pushing it pretty hard going up the hill. I was in level 1 on the juice and egt's were around 1260. Is that normal or should I have it looked at? The Chevy gauge went to halfway between 210 and red. When pulling the temps have stayed between 192 and 219 degrees and outside temps have been very hot. The cooling fan comes on when temps get above 200 and it cools down fairly quickly.
Any thoughts will be welcome and appreciated.