View Full Version : Juice questions

10-14-2002, 09:00
1.Has the new program V4.31 dealt with all the know problems?
2.Does the juice improve fuel mileage?
3.Do you need a pyro and a turbo boost gauge along with the juice in order to protect your truck?

Help would be much appreciated.


10-14-2002, 10:03
1) No, but 4.31 is not the current version either. They are VERY close to perfection, but not quite there yet.

2) Most have reported somewhat increased MPG, BUT keep in mind some look at Full to Low fuel light miles and do not calculate MPG properly.

3) ANY aftermarket device such as the Juice SHOULD have gauges installed. That's not to say you'll melt it down or anything, but for precautionary reasons it is recommended.

10-14-2002, 10:23
If V4.31 is not the current version what is?

10-14-2002, 10:53
V4.35 is the current program, but there are some betas running currently that are quite promising.

Looks like that whole "individualistic" thing is popping up again. Majority have no problems, but some do. Trick is to cover all of these...

10-14-2002, 11:09
To get the juice program updated can you send it directly to the manufacture or do you have to go through the dealer?

10-14-2002, 11:24
Edge and BD do the updates, and there are a handful of Distributors (myself included) that have the capability as well.

10-14-2002, 11:38
Kennedy is there a single digital gauge that has all the need readouts that you could scroll through because I don't like the side window three gauge mount.

10-14-2002, 12:06
SPA sells the DG211, a single round 2" gauge that displays boost and EGT in .1 lb and .1 deg. increments. It's a dual gauge, both are diplayed at all times.

Regards, Steve

10-14-2002, 12:17
There is a 4.4 beta version out now. I just reprogrammed four of them. tpitt

10-14-2002, 12:18

Check out the X-Monitor by BD Power.
Here is their web site :http://www.bd-power.com/
I have one and I like the looks.


10-14-2002, 12:27
The 4.4 Beta (I have one at 4.4 and one at 4.4 Beta) is not a release, and will likely NOT be released in it's present form, so before we go getting people excited :rolleyes:

Suffice to say, if you have no major problems with current levels, sit tight, and wait. For now all boxes shipped will be V4.35 until further notice...

[ 10-14-2002: Message edited by: kennedy ]</p>

10-14-2002, 13:10
JK is right this is just a test version. Sorry I neglected to put that in my post. I got in too much of a hurry. tpitt

10-14-2002, 13:15

Congrats on the win. Tell us about it.

10-14-2002, 13:43
Confusing ! Ok JK and tpitt, for us program lingo dummies what is a 4.4 beta ? What is a beta for that matter ? Are these programs just more Duramax freindly or increased horsepower programs ? Now what is the "Hot Juice" considered ? Mine says 4.30 with HOT scribled on the tag in magic marker ?

10-14-2002, 14:26
Beta is a test box. I just installed one a few minutes ago, and went for a drive. It seems to be working fine. The customer will let me know if there are any problems and I will give the feedback to Edge.
Your box is the same as mine. This is the box with which I won the drags with at Tulare. Be real careful in the race setting. I can slip my transmission with mine. Before I came back I reset to tow in the #1 mode, as we lost the origional #1 setting, when the box was reprogrammed for race.

I'll fill in the details of the drags later. It was fun, and I was the only Duramax running.

10-14-2002, 16:49

Thanks... looking forward to it.

10-14-2002, 18:15

To expand on what tpitt stated. Most software is

10-14-2002, 18:31
Thank you George and Terry, it's people like you that make this such a great site ! ;)