View Full Version : More Juice questions (what a surprise)

07-15-2002, 23:44
I have a few questions I am hoping someone could help me out with as It seems I cant find the answers. 1 Is it absolutely neccesary to have guages with the box. I understand it puts somethings at risks like high egt's etc. But with normal driving is there really a risk
2) Even with all the newest updates, If I still have problems with my box can it be returned no charge for the latest version.
3) Is there an option to run 100% stock with the box plugged in. Like if I never hit the pedal to set each stage is it still giving minimal power, And am I able to shut it off entirely while driving.
4) If a tricked out PSD pulls next to me do I have to shut off my truck to get to a higher stage like level 4?
5)Is it possible to not get any speeding tickets with the box(Mackin that ones for you...hehehe)
6) What are the exact hp and torque ratings for each level?
I have a box not in my hands but in anothers just waiting for the money. But Id like to get the guages and pay for installation too. For the both its going to be about 1300.oo A little much for me to swallow as of now. I mean I spent 40K on a truck I dont want to blow it up so Im just trying to get some ideas on a plan of attack. All responses would be great, and ahead of time thanks for your replies

07-16-2002, 01:15
1) I highly recommend it. It's VERY easy to get the EGT's up high if you are not careful. The cost of the gauge and the time it takes to install it will be easily offset by the cost of replacing the engine if you hole or stick a piston due to the heat.

2)I don't know.

3)No. You can run timing only, no fueling- select reverse instead of 1,2,3, or OD. So far, the Juice has added 1-1.5 MPG, and that's on setting #4. Time will tell if the mileage increase is a fluke or for real.

4)Yes you have to shut the truck off to reprogram. But- you can select different modes for standard and tow/haul operation. I have the standard mode set on level #4, and the tow haul set on level #2. There's nothing saying you couldn't program level #2 in standard mode, and #4 in Tow/Haul/Race.

5) :D

6)Going by what was said on "Two Guys Garage" last weekend, the levels are 30-45-60-90. Torque? Dunno. It's a bunch though.

Definitely install the gauges.

[ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: SoMnDMAX ]</p>

07-16-2002, 08:08
It is my understanding that starting with version 3.5 and greater you can run "stock" if you want.

You would program the normal way except select Reverse gear instead of the four forward gears.

Mine is version 3.0 and won't go to level zero like the above.

07-16-2002, 10:01
2) Stocking dealers should have a cable and programming capabilities available in the very near future. Cost will depend on the dealer. Some will do it free as a service, so you most likely will only have a return shipping fee.

3) Like SoMn stated, the minimum level has timing altered. Future editions MAY have a totally off position, but the key is to dovetail the stock and altered timing tables so it can make the transformation smoothly...