View Full Version : The perfect Trap !!!!

08-24-2003, 08:57

I quit, man I've cooked my goose ..... This is number 4 in two years ...

I can't drive 55,65,75, I'm struggling to keep it under 85 .....

In the last few weeks I've accumulated a cross country mileage count practically in Truck and Saab'er .....

I headed to VT (approx. 400 miles round trip to retrieve my daughter) last night, I took the Saab'er ....

Nearly 75 some odd miles into my journey a mear blip on the V1 next thing I know there was a cop standing in the break down and he was pointing at me .... That instant on is tough, no warning ...... He must have just toggled it on and right off .....

He was in an unmarked cruiser painted practically camouflage backed in next to guardrail right hand lane,sneaky as all hell .... Very seldom do you see them setup this way round here ...

I was doing it right, speeding that was ..... I had scouters in front, decoys .... Three cars running in a pack, left lane, I was in right lane alone, no one gets nailed in the slow lane,ya right ......

Led car, in left lane, good 75+ yards out, tapped the brakes so did I perhaps I was running 90 at the time .... :eek:

I rolled up, there he was, I was tagged..... Perfect setup, perfect spot, he deserves credit .....

Routine stop, Massachusetts state'y .....

Asked the usual question, Know why I stopped you, know how fast you were traveling, Do I know the posted speed limit, and where are you headed ... I explained I was late, I was heading to Vermont .... He informed me how fast I was going, and sit tight he'll be right back,....I'll add I wasn't wearing my seatbelt either, and when I handed him the Reg I discovered I never put the valid sticker on the plate, I'm such an outlaw ....

He returns, I have to say from the beginning to the end this Senior officer was the most respectfull, profesional, courteous Officer I have ever been pulled over by ..... He explained I was traveling beyond the safe limits, but gave me the absolute minimum fine $75 dollars ..... Told me to call my parties I was heading to pick up, I'm on the way, and please drive safe .....
I feel so horrible complaining and or fighting this ticket, I feel I owe it to him, after all I was ,dare I say it (?) ..... This sucks .....
I'm traveling back up, this week some time, I'm riding in the back seat ......

Anyone know any ticket "squashers" in Mass. I'll double the ticket face value to donate to the Mass Police charity ??

Wasn't gonna spill the beans but it will give the filter talk and Broker a break .... Hey maybe he can help .... :eek:


busted yet again (http://community.webshots.com/photo/76622094/87082495VMCWkC)

[ 08-24-2003, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: mackin ]

08-24-2003, 09:40
Sorry to hear that!
Since you won't be needing it, I'll call Joe and tell him to send the tranny to me instead.

Listen here, lemme tell ya somethin'... I heard of a guy down in AL who has some contacts... ;)

Regards, Steve

Turbo Al
08-24-2003, 13:31
It is really hard to get mad at a professional. I ran into Fish and game a while back and opps didn't have my hunting licence with me -- never do I always leave it in truck when I am in the bush -- he wrote me up a $125.00 ticket and told me to produce it within 24 hours. Next day I show up at his office and he hands the ticket back to me cancelled -- his reason -- I didn't argue with him, admitted I was in the wrong and didn't have a hissy fit. I would imagine if you had NOT been professional about the traffic stop your ticket would have been a lot more than $75.

gene smith
08-24-2003, 13:35
I use pre-paid legal ins co. they can keep it off your record and some times get the fine reduced. my record showes clear since 1984 (ya rite), it keeps my ins down and if they check your record some times the trooper lets you go, main thing i don't do is argue with the trooper and keep a plesent look, it helps Geno

08-24-2003, 13:37
I wonder how much that little 250cc scooter with the NOS costs?

You could still have a lot of fun with that, since it smoked a modified WS6.

And you don't need a license to drive it. ;)

Regards, Steve

08-24-2003, 15:26

Sorry to hear of your bad luck :( From your description, I'm wondering if the LEO was using the new MPH INDUSTRIES BEE III in POP MODE (http://www.valentine1.com/pop/).

MPH Industries makes this statement in the Operation and Service manual:

[b] [quote]

DMAX Daddy
08-24-2003, 16:51
Sounds like the guy that got me in Ohio about 5 years ago. He let me go with $50 minimum when he really had me nailed (I think it was 88 in a 55).

True professionals take ya to the wood shed, but make you happy cause you both know you are screwed.

08-24-2003, 17:57
Here in S.C. the cops play games. They nail you for anything 11 over the posted limit. Then they tell you what a favor they are doing you by not writing you a speeding ticket which I think currently has almost a 200 dollar and 3 point fine. They instead make a big deal out of ONLY giving you a careless driving ticket which has a lower fine and no points. Here's the catch. They do this in the hope you'll just mail in the 125 or so fine and not go to court. If you go to court the judge might, throw the ticket out, lower the fine, lower the points. But if you think your not getting points you might just pay. They make the money and don't have the trouble of dealing with you in court. The catch you ask??? It still goes on your driving record as a driving related ticket and if the insurance company checks your record at renewal they have grounds for raising your rates.

Sucks huh??

08-24-2003, 18:53
Me: tongue.gif , you: :mad: , the cop: :cool: , your Saab: :eek: , your truck: :confused:
I'm just trying to picture you in the Saab..... nope, can't do it.

08-24-2003, 18:56
Here is the 100% reliable, never fail solution for makin's situation.


I promise you that if you do that, you will not get any more speeding tickets.

If you really feel the need to go fast, go to a dragstrip. For you, I recommend buying a full-blown drag car--one that will run in the 8s. it will fill your need for speed, and with what you'll save in insurance--by not getting any more tickets--will probably pay for the drag car.

I pesonally keep my speed within 3 mph, and rarely exceed 5 mph when passing. Of course, I'll often very quickly get up to the speed limit. Yes, I do ocassionally find my self more than 5 over, but it's only for a very short prtiod of time. It's sustained cruising that gets you tickets, because the longer you cruise at 15+ over the more likely you are to get tagged.


08-24-2003, 19:08
yea what he said :D ..........................not

08-24-2003, 19:19
mac dont you already make a semianual donation to the state police? :D I agree with AFP drive slower, did the officer know you by name did he ask where the truck was?? :D

08-24-2003, 22:51
"I feel your pain man"! A while back got nailed for 84 in a 50 out on a country road, all alone (I thought) came around a curve and I floored it, car coming at me, getting closer, suddenly OH sh$% looks like CHP, he flipped on the lights and I pulled over and waited for him to make the U turn to pull up behind me. Guy was cool and funny, he said " I first had you on radar at 76, but you were still accelerating so I waited to lock you in at 84MPH" LOL ha ha ha

He checked and said "I see you have not been to driving school for 18 months, so this is only gonna hurt your pocketbook". He wrote me up for 84 in a 55 zone to keep it under 30 over (I was really in a 50 MPH zone) 30 over here in Calif. is a big deal, like suspended license and all that bad stuff. $328 fine, but we can go to traffic school here every 18 months and if you pass it gets dropped from your record, you only have to pay the fine. To pass you just have to show up for 8 hours of driving instructions.

Too bad they don't have that program in CT.

Wish I had a solution for ya, but other than moving real soon, not sure what you can do.

08-24-2003, 23:08
One night Im getting "busted" for kicking up rocks doing a burnout in a parking lot supposedly kicked up rocks and damamged some ugly biatches car...the next day Mackin your getting nailed....We cant win anymore here in the NE. Actually I called the Mass State Police and told them some SOB in a cream colored Saab is heading up Rt. 91 and will probably be going as fast the route number.....Hey man payback sucks.....LOL I told the cop to his face LOL The black truck was here when we parked. The red truck came in with me(as I knew Tony didnt do anything) I took the blame on that one ;) ....next time its your deal :D ........As wise man once said if you cant beat em' join em'.....Kickin my self in the arse everyday for not going for state police here in CT. esp. after 4 year degree in Justice and Law Administration :mad:
PS that ladies car wasnt worth the weight of the rocks you kicked up....GDBITCH......Must of been on the rag or something.

08-25-2003, 06:26
You can move to Montana. Posted limits are 70 anywhere and 75 on the highways. Since moving here I have never got a ticket and the cruise is never set lower than 76.Back when I lived in Wisconsin you could not drive faster than 56 with out getting a ticket. Good old days here, it was a $5 fine for speeding and we all had a $5 bill taped to the back of our license. ;)

DMAX Daddy
08-25-2003, 08:32
she was getting what I call a "California Upgrade."

The new sport here in CA is for some idiot in a piece of crap car to get into a wreck that is somehow not their fault. That way they get some medical coverage and they get cash or a newer car.

One guy backed into my Suburban at a traffic light, then claimed all kinds of crap(whiplash, car was just fiexd, etc). In luck that normally does not follow me, a police officers wife was in the next lane and wondered why the hell his reverse lights came on and he backed up when the light turned green. If it hadnt been for her I was screwed.

08-25-2003, 08:47
bigsky1, WI troopers are on the war path lately. For 4 to 5 years I could drive from Hudson to Janesville and hardly see a trooper. Now I set the cruise 5 over and hope my speedo is correct.

08-25-2003, 08:48
I'm still pouting ..

I'm sure the V1 went full tilt but it was to late ...The instant on is tuff ...

The only way I think I'll convince myself to stop speeding is suspension,hopefully it wont happen this time ...

Bill tag your it ... I know it was me that chucked rubber not stones at her car ,the writing was on the pavement,and in my wheel wells and flaps ...Thanks for the cover,I owe ya ...

We will see if it's this time I pay the ultimate penalty,classes or suspension ...Going to DMV for record-point check ...

Mac :(

08-25-2003, 09:24
That sucks. Rumor from the locals in Vermont is that they are increasing radar patrols on I-91 all through the whole state (I grew up near Newport) so watch it if you're heading up that way... nothing like a Saab with CT plates to put a few bucks in the state's pocket. Don't know where they'd be without you flatlanders running around in a hurry all the time. :D

Got a 70/55 from a VA state trooper on my bike two weeks ago. Stupid me, NEVER speed near the water... Even worse, when he asked "were you trying to get away from me?" (no) my stupid mouth opened on its own and said "Do you really think you could have caught me if I was?". :rolleyes:

Good luck with that ticket, I already paid mine.

08-25-2003, 17:22
Originally posted by mackin:

Here's an analogy .....

If you get a speeding ticket who's fault is it ??

a) The manufacture
b) The truck
c) Your right foot

See what I mean ..

Macok whos fault was it mac

08-25-2003, 17:46
A buddie of mine and I got popped about a month ago on out 1200`s going 89 in a 55. The officer wrote us both up because we were side by side passing a car. :D I downshifted to 3rd and let her rip and looked up and oh damn there he was. 2 squad cars and 3 officers. He was real cool about it and wrote them for 74 in a 55, then he gave us the states attorneys phone number.

We went to court and the judge granted us court supervision for 3 months. When he read the tickets, both the same time,place,speed,etc he grinned and dismissed us from the court room. We laughed our butts off when we got into the lobby. Everyone in the court room had this look on thier faces of "Those guys got court supervision and they were Racing!"

Going slow sure isnt as much fun as going fast, but it is safer. We rode 300 miles yesterday at the SPEED LIMIT.

Radar tickets are hard to beat Mac..Good Luck.


08-25-2003, 17:57
Originally posted by chevmeister:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mackin:

Here's an analogy .....

If you get a speeding ticket who's fault is it ??

a) The manufacture
b) The truck
c) Your right foot

See what I mean ..

Macok whos fault was it mac </font>[/QUOTE]Ouch that hurts ......

Mac :(

Oh Sdaver hook me up Buddy if you can,please ......

08-25-2003, 18:53
Mac,in a SAAB? And i got grilled for driving a XJR!

Should have called me right after it happend.
I would have made a call for you.What Barrack?

Granted i was in 6 foot swells trying to stay afloat friday nite!Another crazy New England weather weekend!We had 1" hail hit us hard friday nite.Froze our butts off coming home last nite!

Yes i know what a Nantucket Sleigh Ride is.

08-26-2003, 09:41
35 mph over the posted limit?

Thankfully you guys don't live near my kids or me... :eek:

[ 08-26-2003, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: conradv ]

08-26-2003, 11:07
2 miles sooner and he would have had us both at 135+.. Ya, it was stupid, but stupid is as stupid does. Your children are safe.. :D

08-26-2003, 16:53
There seems to be an increased police presence everywhere you go lately and I strongly believe it's due to one big reason and one reason only: The local municipalities, counties, and cities need their tax revenue and they are getting less and less from the states and Uncle Sam, so they are collecting it from the so-called traffic law violators.

I think they oughta call traffic cops what they are: Tax Assessors. Call a speeding ticket what it is: A Tax. And as such, don't make it effect my insurance, driving record, and don't make me play all the monkey games with the courts to pay it. Assess the tax, and I'll pay it, the price for speeding...


08-26-2003, 17:21
Macklin, this is the answer you need for the next time


While I was flying down the road yesterday (only 15 mph over), I noticed a cop with a radar gun sitting on top of a bridge. Naturally, he pulled me over, walked up to the car and asked me, "What's the hurry?"

I replied, "I'm late for work."

"Oh, yeah," said the cop. "What do you do?"

"I'm a rectum stretcher," I responded.

The cop said, "What?...A rectum stretcher? What does a rectum stretch DO?"

I said, "Well, I start with one finger, then I work my way up to two fingers, then three, then four, then my whole hand. Then I work until I get both hands in there, and then I slowly stretch it until it's about 6 foot wide."

The cop asked me, "What the hell do you do with a 6 foot a$$ hole?"

I simply replied, "You give him a radar gun and park him on top of a bridge..."

Bail: $100.00
Ticket: $95.00
Look on that cops face: PRICELESS

08-26-2003, 17:26
Sorry about the spelling of your name I didn't read my own post


08-26-2003, 17:28

Sorry about the spelling of your name in the last post. I didn't proof read it.


08-26-2003, 21:50

I love that joke! :D The only problem is, if Mac did that, we wouldn't even be discussing this, because he'd still be in the clink and they don't have internet access in there... do they?

Regards, Steve

08-26-2003, 22:37
A farmer got pulled over by a state trooper for speeding, and the trooper started to lecture the farmer about his speed, and in general began to throw his weight around to try to make the farmer uncomfortable.

Finally, the trooper got around to writing out the ticket, and as he was doing that he kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing around his head.

The farmer said, "Having some problems with circle flies there, are ya?"

The trooper stooped writing the ticket and said -- "well, yeah, if that's what they're -- I never heard of circle flies."

So the farmer says-- "Well, circle flies are common on farms. See, they're called circle flies because they're almost always found circling around the back end of a horse."

The trooper says, "Oh," and goes back to writing the ticket. After a brief, thoughtful pause he stops and says, "Hey...wait a minute, are you trying to call me a horse's ass?"

The farmer says, "Oh no, officer. I have too much respect for law enforcement and police officers to even think about calling you a horse's ass."

The troopers says, "Well, that's a good thing," and goes back to writing the ticket.

After a long pause the farmer says, "Hard to fool them flies though."

08-27-2003, 04:22
Ha ha you guys are funny ....

As Turbo Al says ,I'm a professional speeder ,and the gift of "Yes SIR" ,"No Sir","Sorry Sir" ...... Not sure if that's good or bad .....

Mac http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/phoney.gif http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/phoney.gif http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/phoney.gif

08-27-2003, 10:14
Hey Mac,

What's interesting is that the trooper checked off "radar" and "estimated" on that ticket. Makes it sound like he really wasn't sure who he had on radar, no? :eek:

Also, WTF is that in the lower right corner?? Looks like a male symbol?? :confused:

08-27-2003, 10:51

Not proud of this but if it makes you feel any better, I added up all my suspensions..... 8 years.

08-27-2003, 11:18
A conversation with an officer over a ticket I still cant believe I got out of......

Cop "you know why I pulled you over?"

Me "I dont know, how long were you following me?"

He just took my license and such after looking at me for a few seconds and said something to the effect of "do you remember what you were doing at the corner of such and such and such and such?"

and I said something to the effect of "I'm not really positive were that is but I'm guessing your pulling me over for the burn outs"

he said "yup" and walked back to his car

By the time he left I relized that really sounded like a smart assed comment :rolleyes:

I was doing some burn outs on a few streets and had been driving for a few more blocks and all of a sudden this cop come outa no were and pulls me over. I really didnt mean to be a smart ass....I couldnt come up with something that witty on short notice if I tried redface.gif

I guess this dont really count beings I didnt get a ticket. But saying something like that probably wont work in most situations ;)

I did get pulled over for being clocked at over 85 and paced me at 80 in a 50. The cop walked up and the first thing he said was "I didnt know these little things could go that fast" and he did sound kinda supprised. Thankfully for once my mouth moved slower than my brain since I almost told him I was going well over 85 before he zapped me :eek: This was a 85 VW rabbit BTW with a 16valve sirraco(sp?) motor in it. He only wrote me up for 75 in a 50 :cool: So it wasnt the 100$ for 20-25 over ticket or the reckless driving for 25+

08-27-2003, 12:09
Here is a ticket I could not believe I got out of. I think the cop let me go as I was wearing my uniform. I was driving down the street in a school zone talking on a cell phone (WHICH I NEVER DO ANYMORE DUE TO THIS INCIDENT) wizzed right thru a red light with a cop in the left lane about to make a left. I immediately knew as I was going thru the red light as it was happening and pulled right over befor the cop had a chance to accelerate. I jumped out of my truck profusely apologizing and the cop said "Just dont do it again, 2 second sooner and you would have killed that little girl" I did not even see the kid. Now, I work as a Paramedic and see all kinds of death and destruction due to carless drivers, but my own stupid mistake really sticks with me. All I can say is "Thank you GOD" for me not hitting that kid. As an aside, the ambulance service I work with runs a tiered response. If a call requires 2 units, an advanced and basic life support unit, the closest unit is dispacthed on priority, lights and siren. The further unit responds priority 3, no lights, no siren. 9 out of 10 times both units arrive within 10 seconds. Speeding is not worth it.

08-27-2003, 15:00
Originally posted by hoot:

Not proud of this but if it makes you feel any better, I added up all my suspensions..... 8 years. Dam ,yes ... :eek:


2L=Two lane
RL=Right lane
C/O 1 with circle around = Company of 1 and that's a female symbol , wise guy ... :eek: tongue.gif
OS=Operator states,Late for picking up daughter in Vermont and I was ...

You got me on the check in the radar and estimate box ,I did notice that myself ,my loop hole ??
No resident officer of the law here ?? I'll take some advise if you got it ... Days are numbered for a responce ,hurry ..

Maybe cause I hit the binders "real Hard"??
I wont state the accuracy do to self implication of self conviction of guilt... :eek:


Max Power
08-27-2003, 15:30
You could always do what I did. I had an 01 GMC gasser and got nailed for going 109km/h in a 70 zone. I never admited guilt to the cop. What I did was order a hypertech programmer and changed my tire size and rear end gear ratio so that the truck read 60 and was acually moving 110. Then I took it to a local shop with a dyno to get it checked. They wrote up a piece of paper verifying that my spedo was off. I then just had to take it to the magistrate with the ticket and viola! He did remind me that I should get this fixed and that because now I know the speedo is off that I can not get away with this again. I told him that I had an appointment to get if fixed later that day. :D

08-27-2003, 15:36
you need this mac

08-27-2003, 16:17

Sorry to hear it. Just consider all the ones you got away with.

In most states (US), radar use is an estimate.

To use radar legally, the officer must first estimate the speed visually, or by pacing, then confirm/compare the speed with the radar indication. The majority of radar users do not use the system legally. It is just too easy to "point and shoot", then deal with the details later.

Contesting a violation due to the officer's indications on a ticket would be a real bad defense. It would be like saying, "It doesn't matter how fast I was going. That officer can't fill out his own paperwork." Not good. Kinda' like saying, "Hey dude. I pay your salary." That's a real bad one, too.

That ticket appears to be in order. I don't see anything you can use in your defense. The "symbols" show 1 male and no females. Just that officer's way of documentation, or it could be department policy. It depends how he was trained.

On a side note, once bail (the fine) is set, the court can't increase it. They can reduce the fine and/or point hit. A traffic officer may write 2 or more citations in a hour's time during peak hours. A court appearance can take up to 2 hours out of his day. Not most, but many officers decline to show for a court appearance on minor offense, such as a speeding ticket. Most offenders just pay the fine, and they count on that. 1 out of 4 (national statistic) minor traffic cases are dismissed because the investigating officer did not show. The officer has to show up and state his case against you. If he doesn't show up, the case is either continued due to the officer's legit reason for not showing, or it is dismissed. Minor traffic violations are infractions, which means that the "arresting" officer prosecutes his own case. No D/A help.

Anytime you get stopped for speeding, the last thing you want to do is admit guilt right off the bat. An answer like, "I am late for......" is an instant admition of knowingly speeding. That is, legally, malice aforethought (premeditated...the difference between manslaughter and murder). Lying is not a good idea, either. The officer will document your comments. You may not remember what you said, unless it is the truth.

08-27-2003, 16:42
Thanks for the confirmation,I'm screwed ... tongue.gif

I know he already cut me some slack, and like I said was so professional I couldn't face him in court and say he did wrong in anyway .... In reality the speed was dead, you guessed it when I looked down ...Must of had his gun calibrated that day ;) .... Figures,my luck .... :(
Where's my ticket squisher ?? I'm going to pay $175, drop a note saying the officer was so professional that I want them to give the officer a thank you monetary reward for his outstanding professionalism to protect and serve, that ought to buy me some driving time ...

Mac :D :D :D

08-27-2003, 16:55
I'm tellin' ya Mac, that scooter really rocks! If you're speeding, you might not show up on radar (depends on the size of your belt buckle ;) ) and you can always claim that there's no way that little 250cc scooter could go 125mph... :eek:

The wind in your hair, the feeling of flying down the sidewalk, the admiring stares of every kid on your block!

You could even race for pinks! Pick your targets carefully, play them right and you might end up owning the 3 or 4 fastest muscle cars in the neighborhood! Then register each one in a different state, get a matching DL to go with them and you're all set!

Psst... no matter WHAT the wife sez, this definitely DOES NOT qualify for a $4 mill diamond "apology" ring. Tell her "don't even ask!"

Regards, Steve

08-27-2003, 17:44
Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?

Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding.

Woman: Oh, I see.

Officer: Can I see your license please?

Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one.

Officer: Don't have one?

Woman: Lost it 4 times for drunk driving.

Officer: I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.

Woman: I can't do that.

Officer: Why not?

Woman: I stole this car.

Officer: Stole it?

Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.

Officer: You what?

Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see.

The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for
back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly
approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

Officer 2: Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle please!

The woman steps out of her vehicle.

Woman: Is there a problem sir?

Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and
murdered the owner.

Woman: Murdered the owner?

Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.

The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.

Officer 2: Is this your car, ma'am?

Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers. The officer is quite stunned.

Officer 2:One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.
The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to
the officer. The officer snaps opens the clutch purse and examines the license.
He looks quite puzzled.

Officer 2: Thank you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a
license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.

Woman: Bet you he told you I was speeding, too!

08-27-2003, 18:05

goped take 2


David Proske
08-27-2003, 18:40
I am a officer here in the great state of Texas. I can't give u any advice on that citation as ours are way different. The only thing I can say is that I personally hate going to court, other officers get a bang out of it. You would do that officer the most justice by going ahead and taking the hit.

You would prolly totally confuse the court clerks by offering to pay double the fine, and the officer would get fired and thrown in jail if he accepted it anyway.

I tip my hat to you for taking notice of the officers professionalism. Your state police prolly has a fallen officer fund. Your donation would make the biggest impact there. Or next time u see a officer at a restraunt, tell the managment you will pay for his/her meal and tell the officer you appreciate what they do. I have had a few people tell me that and it really makes a difference. smile.gif

08-27-2003, 18:46
or wait to court date and get a extension then wait to the court date and get another........did this in advice from my attorney.........by the time the final date came up I went in and paid the ticket......in the mean time some of my points dropped off and kept me from suspension........ :D

08-27-2003, 18:55
Originally posted by sdaver:

goped take 2

:D Where and hells the video's ??? I can't scroll down,or click on anything for the life of me !!!!!

Mac http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif

08-27-2003, 19:23
Worked for me, insane. The wife thinks it's BS

08-27-2003, 19:52
I think the ad got your attention and clouded your vision.......not very perceptive for a saab guy.........that lack of perception makes it hard to spot the troopers..........any car I can not make out at a distance my subconcieous puts blue lights on it :D

08-27-2003, 21:14
Video's were VERY, VERY Cool and Crazy!

08-27-2003, 23:13
Yup, I like that kid on the goped! That's some nutz, flippin' off the driver of a WS6 Trans Am with that much stuff on it! Imagine him next to Mac's truck and pullin' a stunt like that! He'd better be on the driver's side or it's gonna get sooty!

It makes these loonies out here with $5-10,000 lifted, chromed, flamed, pimped out, 5,000 watt stereo, GSXR powered golf carts seem a little... tame. ;)

Regards, Steve

08-28-2003, 06:09
Not to highjack this thread but David, this was a very good friend of mines partner in Florida. :( July of 2003..

Flagler County Sheriff's Deputy Dies in the Line of Duty
A Flagler County Sheriff's deputy died early Saturday morning when he was struck by a car driven by a man trying to flee police.

35-year old Deputy Charles Sease was placing spike strips on an I-95 exit when he was struck by the speeding car driven by 28 - year old Bruce Grover of Daytona Beach.

Authorities say Grover was fleeing from a bar disturbance when he allegedly hit the deputy.

Sease was only on the job in Flagler County two months. he had spent the previous five years as a police officers in Waterbury, Ct.

Charges against Grove are still pending, but his drivers license had been suspected due to a rash of traffic violations.

08-28-2003, 06:27

My condolences to his family and friends.

My black band has become frayed over the years from excessive use. Painful every time. I'll wear it proudly with much sorrow.

08-28-2003, 06:28
lots jokes and fun here.........but this really puts things in perspective.........I know we(and especially me) do stupid things and take unnecessary chances.....something like this make you think........