View Full Version : Honest, Reliable shop??

05-26-2005, 13:34
Hi folks, I live in Orange Co. Ca. and would like to know if any of you in my area are using or have found a good diesel shop to do the service and add-on work that I might need in the future. I went to DeLillo Chev. last week to have oil filter, lube and oil change and also threw in a fuel filter change. When I picked up my truck later that day I was presented a bill for $229.00 with the fuel filter listed at 57.95. I thought that was a little high. Am I right. I'd like to know what you folks are paying. I know that a lot of you do your own work but there must be some that don't have time or are not physically able. Thanks, Ray.

05-26-2005, 15:30
I live a little bit inland from you. Here is a recommendation:

For the add-on work, try this shop (yes I know it is in Lake Elsinore, but the person that runs it used to be the head diesel tech at Nicholas Chev in Garden Grove - he knows his stuff and has been receiving excellent reviews by people who had things installed on their trucks at his new shop.)


For all regular maintenance work, I do that myself.

05-26-2005, 23:49
$229 for an oil change and a fuel filter? No offense, but you got seriously hornswaggled. Between oil, filter, and fuel filter the parts cost me about $80 bucks and takes me about 30-45 minutes sometimes more depending on how many beer breaks I take!

I am reminded of the great Zappa song Flakes: California's got a host of 'em, LA's got the most of them....Flakes don't do the world no good, they don't be workin' when they oughta should....

Sounds like that shop was chock full 'o' flakes!!!

Seriously though, do the work yourself, then take the used oil and filters and leave them on the front doorstep of that shop that overcharged you!!!

BlackMax 2001
05-27-2005, 10:26
$229.00 WOW!!! I know I live a long way from you, but my dealer does a LOF for me for $20.00. That was an additional bonus for buying from them. I know everything in CA is high, but keep looking. Got to be some one out there that is reasonably priced.

05-27-2005, 13:33
Well I am going to try one more time to post a message. Hopefuly this time I will not git dished for my spelling. I know I can not spell veary good to much time in auto shop.

When I had the dealer do my oil changes they chared about 65 for lube and oil. Never had them do a fuil filter but I would think they would charge at lest one hour labor. at about 85 plus dollers. did they at lest wash it for you?

Blackmax2001 20 dollers that cn not be right. The oil would cost that. Or was this a ofer for the first year kind of thing.

Thanks for letting me try agen MIKE WIENER

05-27-2005, 18:58
Hey OC_DMAX, thanks for the recommendation. I will give them a try. As far as being overcharged, last year I took my truck in to the same shop for an LOF and a trans filter change. It cost me about $165.00 so I figured that it would be about the same or less. I was just about knocked off my feet when they gave me the bill. When I said something to the cashier about the high charge for the fuel filter she said "yeah those things are really expensive." I told her that I was going to have to find another source and she just laughed. Maybe I should take my complaint to the service mgr. and see if maybe they made a mistake. I guess either I am living in the past or stuff has really gone up. I don't have the time to do this maintenance myself or else I would. I used to do it all on our cars but there just is never the time anymore.

05-29-2005, 05:23
Ray when you drop the truck off did they not give you a quote on the work? the dealer I go to with my work truck alwys qoutes before they start the work and if they find some thing they give a call.

05-29-2005, 06:15
MIKE WIENER go to iespell.com they have a spell check that works great,and is a free download.
Makes guys like me look like I know how to smell.
Merle :D

BlackMax 2001
06-03-2005, 10:37
Mike Wiener... $20 is right. I've been paying $20 for almost four years now. I asked about it before I had my first oil change. They said they forgot it took 10 quarts instead of the usual five, bur since they made the deal they would stick behind it. :cool:

06-04-2005, 17:06
Nice to se some one stand buy there word. If only there were more like that today. It would be like the good old days.