View Full Version : EGR revisited

08-25-2003, 15:44
I checked with dealer about eliminating the EGR. Said it wasn't a problem, and that there were a few different re-flashes to do so. I did not have the truck reflashed at this appointment - dealer was straight out. He said any dealer could do it, so next time I have a minute, I will.
Also said removing cat would not affect warranty or inspection in my state - dealer and truck are MA, I'm registered in RI.
JK was right on the money.
I have a good relationship with the dealer, but still, how do you know when the EGR is disabled? Even the Service Manager couldn't answer that one. Any ideas?


08-25-2003, 19:44
Maybe a bigger black cloud?

08-25-2003, 21:10
Tech 2 will show command as zero...

08-26-2003, 18:10
Just Imagine the goofy confused look on my face.

08-26-2003, 18:48
Thanks, Mission Control. ;)

Those of us Tech 2 virgins are lost on that one, John. Not to beat a dead horse, but are YOU confirming that this operation can be done? A buddy of mine was told at his dealership that they couldn't do it, something about they didn't have the 'right' Tech 2? :confused:

Dealers! :rolleyes:


08-26-2003, 19:06
I gotta get books! Then I done get learned good!

08-26-2003, 21:23
It's not legal, and most, if not all dealers will not, or do not understand how to do it.

The program for your VIN w/o EGR does NOT exist. Basically you need a brain transplant. Problem is, it will always have the identity of the donor vehicle which could hang you up for warranty work...

Once completed, the Tech 2 can observe a lack of action in the EGR system to verify the success of the procedure. I've done it before, but have not taken one from cold start to verify if the intake heater (different again) feedback will work w/o setting a code...

08-26-2003, 21:46
I guess we didn't learn the steps the first time we did this dance. Come JAN04 all new owners will feel this pain. sure does speed up oil black time, Juice helps it right along too.