View Full Version : Predator?

Murray the Cop
01-21-2004, 08:54
I ordered a predator for the diagnostic features. My question is,if you only use it for the diagnostics is it married to the truck? Thanks

01-21-2004, 09:31
The way I understood it - once I plugged it into the port on my truck, it was married to the truck... Didn't matter what I did with it after that.


01-22-2004, 09:31
I wouldn't think so, especially if you don't store your factory tune to the unit.

01-22-2004, 15:35
It only becomes "married" or VIN locked to your truck when you try to load a performance tune to the ECM. This occurs the first time. If you never try to load a tune, then it is not VIN locked to your vehicle (it does not become VIN locked by merely plug the device into the DLC under the dash). If you never download a performance tune, it means you can sell the Predator someday and whoever buys it can use the full capability.

Also, the monitor aspect of the Predator can be used on any truck (independent of whether the device is VIN locked to your vehicle or not).

The above is my understanding.


01-23-2004, 04:05
Come on murray load the 40 HP tune at least, you will love it. But then it will be used at this point, thats why you bought it, right.

01-23-2004, 05:49
A more detailed question I have with regard to the Predator.

The first time you download a tune, the very first action the Predator takes is to read from the ECM your current stock program and store this information in its internal memory. This allows the Predator to restore your truck's ECM to stock configuration if necessary.

So my questions are:

1. Does the Predator back-up the entire ECM or just select portions of it?

2. Does the Predator do this original OEM program read each time you go from stock to performance tune or does it do this action just one time (the very first time you try to load a performance tune)?

3. If it only does this action just once (the very first time), then what happens if you take the truck to the dealer to have an update done on the ECM because of a driveability issue. If you later install a performance tune and then revert back to the factory program, wouldn't you just have overwritten the update performed by the dealer?

Anybody know the answers to the above questions?


Murray the Cop
01-23-2004, 12:50
I am running the juice with atitude now on the 125 setting. I got the predator for the diagnostics and after the tranny upgrade intend to stack the two.