View Full Version : new lucas user

Keith Richards
11-11-2004, 16:10
I just put in the lucas hd oil stabilizer,and am impressed.It actually seems to do what they claim and make starting much easier on the engine.It has been starting kind of rough on the colder mornings,which may also be due to somewhat older glow plugs and injectors,but since adding this stuff it has been way smoother.I was so impressed,I went out and purchased two gallons of amsoil synthetic engine oil for the winter,which I havent put in yet,but I'm thinking this will also aid in starting,and prolonging engine life in harsher climates.Ilike to be able see and here the proof.I have never used synthetics before because of price mostly,but maybe will be turning over a new leaf.

Barry Nave
11-14-2004, 02:57
Been using it for over a year, never said any thing about it for some say most oil improvers are a joke and a waste of money. I,m with you though. ;)

11-14-2004, 09:49
I wouldn't do an oil change w/o out Lucas.
My old boss did an inframe on his 3406E CAT @ 1.2 million miles. The bearings looked so good they could have been put back in. He sent the bearings to Lucas and his story was put on their web page along with receiving tons of free stuff.

11-14-2004, 10:52
Do not use any type of additive with the Amsoil.


11-14-2004, 14:16
I ran a oil sample after using Lucus oil stabilizer on my 6.5 diesel.
It came back 60 weight oil.

The place that did the sample did not recomend it.

Keith Richards
11-14-2004, 16:26
I figured I'd try it out for this time,and after the switch to synthetics I might not need it.As I said it does seem to start way smoother in the mornings

11-21-2004, 19:33
Try using the sythetic version of the lucas. It is not as thick and is clear smile.gif

11-24-2004, 13:39
If you hate your truck then use Luca additives


Keith Richards
11-24-2004, 17:40
rkadair,please elaborate?whats wrong with the product?As I said i'm just giving it a shot,more or less,because of it seems to stick to the gears or pistons much better than oil alone,but probably wont be using for long as i'm switching to synthetics for the winter next week.I love my truck and want the best for it.If you have seen disastous results please explain.

11-24-2004, 20:12
click the link !

Keith Richards
11-26-2004, 08:50
Thanks for the feedback,I will be paying close attention to how the oil looks when I drain it.This test is intereting,but im still not sure if it pertains to an engine in the exact same way.As I mentioned ,I kind of did it as a test and was impressed by see results I could hear.My morning starts (SOUND)alot better,but who knows whats really going on unless you can see inside the engine.I apreciate feedback good or bad,thats what helps us learn.I wont be adding it anyway once I put the synthetic oil I already bought,into my engine(amsoil).At the cost who needs to add anything!