View Full Version : OnStar and Airbags

02-21-2003, 08:08
If you go to http://service.gm.com:8083/gmtechlink/ or http://service.gm.com/gmtechlink/index.html, look under OnStar Deactivation Strategy, it says:

TIP: When successfully deactivated, the OnStar system will not attempt to connect to the OnStar center if the vehicle's front airbags deploy.

This answers that question, no Onstar service, no help if your airbag goes off.

My question is: Has anyone had an airbag deploy in an accident? I have read of nasty fender benders, killing deer and trees, but did this set off an airbag?

Who has had a pyrotechnic go off in their face?

02-22-2003, 11:06
I hate to say it but mine did. I only had my truck about 5 months, fell asleep. Did a little re-landscaping on the center divider, took out 2 tress, they were about 4-5" in diameter. I was not wearing my seatbelt. Speed was not more than 20 mph, woke up to a cab full of smoke (from the airbags) & a friendly voice from on-star. Walked away, unmarked, no bumps or bruises. That was my first air bag experience. I do not remember the airbags being deployed.

I must say before all this I thought On-Star was a glamorized cell phone. Since then I've renewed my service. They were able to tell me exactly where I was, & dispatch the Sheriff's department in a timely manner. This was great because I was not real sure what my location was, since I was catching some zzz's, & really dazzed when I awoke. This happened at 5:am on a Sunday morning, there were no other motorists around to help.

If I would have been knocked unconcious or thrown from the vehicle, help would have been on the way in no time. Just a little peace of mind that I believe is worth it.

As for the airbags, they smell bad. Luckily I was able to roll down my windows to get some ventilation since I for whatever reason didn't get out of the vehicle till the paramedics arrived to give me a ride to the hospital.

[ 02-22-2003: Message edited by: glamisboy ]

[ 02-26-2003: Message edited by: glamisboy ]</p>

02-24-2003, 11:14
Thanks Glamisboy,
I was wondering if the airbags worked. You were really lucky! No seat belt (shame! shame!)
Like you I renewed my OnStar, considering it cheap insurance.

02-24-2003, 22:24
hey galmisboy you should make a onstar comercial........got mine subscribed to.....they will make dinner reservations too......you should look up socaldmax in the desert........fast buggy unpainted lots of chicks and groopies.......northstar powered :D dave

ps I have launched a few airbags.......friend at mercedes plant had some surplus testers.......30lf of speaker wire and a 9 volt battery.........will blast 40 up into the air when blasted face down.........it does stink......I think the explosive is some form of c4 :D :D :D :D :D :D