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View Full Version : I got "juiced" and I absolutely HATE IT!

06-09-2002, 17:06
Today, I was cruising down the road at a modest 87 MPH and heard a thud, then another and another. As I looked around for the source of the sound, I saw the juice, and I absoulutely hate it. The dang BUG JUICE was on my side window where several large, fat bugs had hit the mirror and splattered all over my side window. Does anyone had a remedy or solution to this problem? How about those fancy Lucerix mirrors? Do they throw juice all over the window also? I need help with this, and would appreciate any suggestions. These fat, midwestern, corn-fed bugs are really messy. Thank you kindly.

06-09-2002, 17:54
I have the same problem, down here in South Texas. It is really a pet peeve. I don't remember ever having to "wash" my side windows on a trip. My Dad's Bestop, which are identical to the Lucerix, do the same. Wish there was a fix, too.


06-09-2002, 18:03
Just be thankful you had your window up....


06-09-2002, 19:19

MINI-VAN ,,,,, At 117mph+ the will splat and dry, become powder, before contact with side window ........ "NUFF" said ...

MAC tongue.gif :D tongue.gif

06-09-2002, 19:53
^............LMAO @ Mack Daddy.....You rock Mac..... I knew you'd come through for me. :D
I just wish this Duramax would see 117 mph...

06-09-2002, 21:08
Question: What was the first thing that crossed that bugs mind when he hit the windshield?

His A**

06-13-2002, 19:41
remedy?? Go find some pre 99 mirrors and your problem will be solved. :rolleyes:

I keep a coat of wax on my windows, and they come off very easily.

06-19-2002, 01:33

I do both the glass and the chrome piece on the mirror. It helps the bugs to miss most of the time because they slide off of the mirror instead of sticking and splattering. The ones that do make it to the window come off easily. Big difference before/after. When I use the CIPA slip on mirrors for towing, they all get caught on the mirror. Gotta be an aerodynamic thing. Guess you could put a trim fin on the mirror to upset the airflow, like on airplane wings.

The 117+ MPH solution does seem to be the most appealing, though. With the 285's on, GPS says 104 MPH (On a test track. Don't try this at home, kids.). Still not fast enough, I guess. I just get bigger splats. It'll be a while before we break that mini-van envelope. :mad: