View Full Version : The Isspro Whistle

02-05-2003, 17:45
I installed Isspro gauges last weekend and I have the high pitched noise that is driving me nuts. No big deal driving alone (radio cranked) but if you turn the radio down it is pretty noticeable Anyone have a fix that worked to quiet them up?


02-05-2003, 18:05

MAC ;)

02-05-2003, 19:17
I was just talking to a guy from our local shop that had a fix. I do not remember the details but if you call them I'm sure they will help you out. The place is called The Powershop, in Enumclaw, Wa. They are listed on the DP list of recommended repair shops. I think the owner is Chuck Arnold.

02-05-2003, 20:58
Where do I find the DP list of recommended repair shops?

02-05-2003, 22:50
1-888-4ISSPRO is the number. Ask for Don.

Last I spoke with him, they had it figured out.

Worst part is the inconsistency. MOST don't do it...

02-05-2003, 22:59
Wildcat, I would just call the number JK gave you. But, if you still need help you can find the DP Recommended Repair Shops by going to the bottom of this page and clicking on The Diesel Page. Scroll down the page and you will see the topic.

02-06-2003, 18:12
I'll have to give them a call. Glad to hear of a fix. Mine does it when cold, and after 20 min. or so with the heater on it eventually goes away. Lately it's been worse. I've been to there web site picking out other gauges as I was considering dumping these. A couple times lately it has been too loud and it's driving me nuts. This info. came at just the right time.


02-06-2003, 18:20

I called and spoke with Don at Isspro today. He said they are working on a fix for them and are getting close. Its something in the black box for the pyro that is causing it. The good news is he is sending me a new box that has been "bench tested" and should be free of the annoying noise--we'll see.

Hope that helps


02-07-2003, 15:58
I got the high pitched noise to. I'll have to give Don a call.

02-14-2003, 20:58
Mackin, I'm beginning to see the wisdom of your post.

Got the new "bench tested" supposedly no noise makin' box for the pyro today and guess what--no better.

If I don't get rid of that noise soon, I'm tempted to wrap the dam box in insulation and duct tape or something

YZF1R & Buck, you get a new box yet??

Any better????

02-14-2003, 21:41
To tell the truth, I haven't called yet. I have no garage and it's been quite cold to work on it. Expecting snow this weekend. Definetly want to do something as soon as the worst of winter is over. Frankly, I can not see the need for this fancy box. Just more wires and things to go wrong to me. I've never thought any of my other pyro's to be slow in reacting and really see no real difference in this one. It is supposed to react quicker or something like that. Would really rather have this thing the good old way, the "KISS" system. Just the wires for the light and the probe.


02-15-2003, 10:37
I can't help but think that there is some kind of noise suppressor that could be wired in or something, but I don't know diddly about electronics.
Isn't there a device to wire in on radio's or CB's to keep them from picking up ignition interference on a gas motored vehicle--maybe something like that would work.

I'd rather not toss the gauges and start over.

02-18-2003, 11:36
Not yet....

02-22-2003, 00:58
Don is sending me a new amp box

Silver Bullet
03-17-2003, 12:09
Any updates on the "whistle"???

03-19-2003, 12:17

I bought the ISSPRO guages about 1 year ago - they whistled like crazy!! Called them up, they said they had a fix (this was last summer) - so I sent them the noisy ones and.....

They sent me two brand new, bench-tested ones that screamed EVERY bit as bad! I sent them back to where I bought the originals. :mad:

BUY AUTOMETER - mine have been in since last summer and work sweet... :cool:

[ 03-19-2003: Message edited by: Bmacs ]</p>

03-19-2003, 19:00
I've got my third box from Isspro, but I haven't had a chance to install it and see if it is any better than the last two.

03-19-2003, 19:12
Sure glad I saw this thread before I bought gages. I am convinced Mackin is correct.


03-20-2003, 10:50
I recently installed a set for "Coldfront" and there was barely a peep from it. I knew it was there, and knew to listen for it, but it wasn't bearly bad enough to create an issue...