View Full Version : Difference between reg. Diesel and Coloured

01-09-2001, 13:01
Please explain to me if there are any characteristic differences between reg?? diesel and coloured or marked.If so, will additives make both diesels the same?? I can purchase coloured diesel without some taxes making this alternative very attractive.

More Power
01-09-2001, 14:15
Dyed diesel fuel discovered during a highway spot-check could result in a $500+ tax evasion fine.

DP Admin

John D
01-09-2001, 14:44
Dont do it,first off red fuel is usually,but not always high sulfer,since it is off-road fule it doesnt need to be low sulfer,if your truck has a cat convertor,it could plug it.Home-heating oil has no anti-gel additives,it will gell right up below 15 degrees.Warranty of any fuel pump,or engine is void with red fuel,and its traces will be left in the tank,filter and pump for years.The legal implications are not worth the money saved,if you do the crime-you might have to do the time,in this case its$$.If caught in NY,its a10000 fine for 1 st offense,vehicle inmpounded,fuel drained etc.Now the fun part since you are committing tax ovasion,you get auditted,by the IRS,all records searched,they will try to guestimate how long you have been cheating them and how may gallons of off road or home-heating oil you've bought and used.Now the will fine you and back tax you on there estimated amount.Bottom line-its really not worth it,and if your beating up the roads,you should be paying fuel taxes like the rest of us.If you are buying home heating oil at a residence the crime is even worse to them,since resdintial heating oil is sales tax free as well as road tax free.Yo will have to provide them with your fuel fuel receipts during this audit,if you cant,you will pay.My uncle is a farmer and he can legally run red fuel in his farm trucks and equipment,which he does.If it dont have a farm tag-they'll hang you.The state police,and DOT set up random check points with a long white tube,they stick it in your tank,if it comes up red,get out your wallet.granted,a pickup,especailly a single wheel one will not likey get stopped on the road,but they have and guys have got caught,if you were to leak fuel in an accident,im sure any observant officer knows the deal when the puddle is red instead of clear.

[This message has been edited by John D (edited 01-09-2001).]

01-09-2001, 20:51
I take it your talking about "purple or dyed fuel here in Canada? I know that it gets used in alot of highway tractors by farmers and others hauling grain. I use it all the time but just make sure that I put lots of Howes fuel treatment in. It sure makes driving a diesel cheap.

10-11-2002, 08:09
Aren't there fuel additives with red dye... could they be mistaken for non-taxed diesel?


11-07-2002, 12:02
Shouldn't that be "Diesel fuel of color?" :D