View Full Version : nsbu update- long story :(

11-02-2002, 06:42
UUGGHH,,, as promised here's the update...

Truck went in on Tuesday night- towed to the dealer...John went in with all the documentation regarding the NSBU- including the Allison Bulletin ##...

Thursday night they call say it's all set...we go up yesterday afternoon to pick it up. PSB (that idiot service guy)...tells John

It was the ignition...had to replace the entire ignition blah blah...wasn't the NSBU- THATS NOT PART OF THE ALLISON TRANSMISSION (yes that's a quote)...

John and I shake our heads- okay- he goes out gets in the truck- I tell him, meet me over at that Suburban- I go first,he pulls up puts truck in "P"..tranmission sounds as though its on the ground behind him...clunk clunk, BAM goes through the gears- clunk clunk clunk...gear indicator is still in R...clunk BOOM...John's FUMMING....heads back over to the serive door...guy comes out as he see's john pulling up...John runs through the gears- CLUNK CLUNK BOOM CLUNK CLUNK...so I being the *(*&(* that I am say:

I'm not claiming to be a ASE Tech, or even know what I"m talking about 1/2 the time- however it IS the NSBU and we asked you to replace that....BIL has 8.1/A and it was replaced, SAME symptoms, TDP which I have printed for you, shows the SAME problems and the same fix- the NSBU..I have asked nicely for you to replace that part, now I'm telling you to replace it. If you replace it with the newly redesigned switch, and it does NOT solve the problem I will pay for it, however if it does solve it, your covering it. We towed this up here, 75 miles, came up here today out of our way- to find out that you did not fix anything, and now your telling me that its NOT the NSBU...I'm sorry to sound this way,but after paying 50K for a truck, less than a year ago, I expect MORE from you ....you have a big sign in your service dept, all about customer service...and I'm not getting any"

Guy looks at John looks at me and says "wow, how do you put up with that?".. now I'm REALLY P*SSED..

John stays outside with the idiot, I grab my duplicate copies of the stuff I had dropped off with the truck earlier, and head in to find the GM and the owner, upon walking in our salesman comes over, "Brandy, don't tell me they didn't fix it"..I reply, well IGNITION and TRANSMISSION sort of sound the same"...

Walk into the GM's office, without knocking...sit myself down and say "look here's the information, here's the Allison dealer's name and number, here's the part I want installed, etc... we had already discussed this Monday- what is so hard to get in the guys head- why can't he just do the part I'm asking for....I'll pay for it if it doesn't work etc... GM says "....I'll take care of it" stands up walks outside to where John and PSB are standing and says...

"Call this allison dealer in Rutland- order the NSBU, install it in this truck. When it's complete, come and get me, and I will drive it...there is NO reason why this customer should not have had it done the first time....and don't bill them..your going to have to find a way to get this paid for..."

Guy looks at me and says "hmm guess the squeeky wheel gets the grease huh?"

Sorry, guys but this is it for GM and me. We are still looking for a Suburban, but after this fiasco, we stopped to look at an Excursion...I can't stand the way these service idiots treat us....there are no other dealerships around here, within 1 1/2 hours that are GM.(that we havne't already dealt with)...I'm sure there are some good ones SOMEWHERE..but not here.

oh on a side note...my mother in laws Cadi gets worked on at this same dealership...she's been having a problem with a light "check gas cap"...which then trips the SES light"....guess what this PSB is planning on doing to fix it...

DISCONNECT that light...now this is an emmissions control light...federal offense if I do say myself, sort of like taking off the Cat.... so she says to the PSB..but how is that fixing it? his reply,

"sometimes you just have to disconnect stuff"..
okay on a 2002 Cadi???? I told her to go ahead and let him do it, then take it to a different Cadi dealer- and let them see what this idiot did....

sorry this is so long, I"m again without my truck- this is now 13 days......


[ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: MudNurI ]</p>

11-02-2002, 08:11

Sorry to here about all your trouble......Service can be a make or break deal on a next vehicle purchase,,,, I think you found your answer by climbing up the ladder to the GM at that dealership......Sooner or later that Service writer AKA num nuts will be replaced.....I hope you told the GM about the personal comments towards you this would expidite the process....

Well hopefully all goes well you pick your truck up.....

Good luck ith your new Excursion.... :(
Ford needs the sales anyway...... ;)


11-02-2002, 08:51
If you would like to have some GM assistance with this email me at paintdude1@one-eleven.net and I will send you the name and phone number of a very helpful guy at GM corporate..

You are getting the same run around I got at one of the dealers around here..GM put the fear of god in them and my truck got fixed to my request..

I would check out the other brand dealers before I would switch..My guess is they are all about the same..

Good Luck..

11-02-2002, 08:56
Forget the fact that they didn't fix your truck and that they didn't listen to what you told them you want done. There is no excuse for the comments made to your husband about you. I would be writing a letter to the owner of the dealership about this. I would copy the service manager and the sales manager and Send a copy to the GM area manager as well. I would demand, at a minimum, that this service writer be forced to apoligize to you in the service bay in front of all the employees. My best case would be to ask that they demote or fire this person for acting the way they did.

[ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: FirstDiesel ]</p>

11-02-2002, 15:30
I almost want to cringe every time I see a post from you now because it seems as though you're getting scr@wed worse each time. What a lousy experience that was, totally unbelievable for sure. You couldn't have been any more prepared... :(

Have you thought about the lemon law, or do you have too much mileage at this point? Also, have you attempted to contact GM directly? You seemed to be such an enthusiastic truck owner just a short time ago, but now you appear to be the exact opposite (and with good reason I might add). Perhaps if the manufacturer heard your story they may be a bit more sympathetic. It's a long shot, but it might be worth it.

11-02-2002, 17:49
Jim- here in VT, the lemon law is for 3 repeated fixes of problem- so far, the transmission is only in once even though it's been there for quite a few days, and dead in the doorway for longer...it has to be the same problem, I can't add up the problems to equal the 3 minimum...though I think the bearing kit would have fit that..(which by the way is fine now)

I really do love my truck, I love the Duramax, and the Allison, But it's the lack of customer service I get after I forked out the big bucks to buy it, that really burns my a**.

I called GM back when the bearing kit was bad, and again when the same dealership wanted to put some silicone on the leaky hydroboost..all they did was put me on hold, call the dealer, and that was about it...even after the GM call, I had to get my hydroboost fixed at a different dealer- which caused me problems this time at the original one...they tried to blame it on the bearing kit fix..imagine that!

John is still pushing to get out of GM...I'm starting to "like" the looks of the Excursion, but it's not a chevy...which I really am a die hard...

only time will tell- maybe they will call us on say- Friday (a full week later) and tell us that they finally replaced that NSBU? yeah right!


11-04-2002, 06:44
Sorry to hear about this moron you have to deal with. It's really unfortunate there's no other dealer (that doesn't suck).

The personal comments............. :mad:
I'd have that SOB by the throat..
Completely inappropriate, GM upper's would shi*-can this guy. Then comes the next problem......
When he gets fired, he'll probably go work at For* stealership.
So if your getting an Excursion, look out.

Black Dog
11-04-2002, 06:55
I think I also would have blown a gasket the second someone tried to tell me that I had an IGNITION problem with my DIESEL truck.

Mike G.
11-05-2002, 13:19
Brandy...Sounds like some of the dealerships I have dealt with in the past...Have owned 3 suburbans and had similar problems getting them serviced....Finally bought an excursion...best thing I ever did....service has been great and so has the vehicle...would not hesitate to do it again.....

I don't know how the lemon law is in your state but, in California if it is in the dealership longer than a certain # of days with no resolution to the problems it qualifies as a lemon...also as long as your truck was under the original warranty when this problem started and it continues even if the warranty expires, it still qualifies as a lemon, at least in our state...I'd check into it a little further...generally lemon law attorneys have booklets on the lemon law for your state and what the qualifications are and what steps you need to follow....GOOD LUCK...Mike G.

11-05-2002, 14:59
IIRC, the Excursion will be extinct next year...

I don't remember if the current owner's manual has the info - but at one time, the OM outlined the Lemon Laws in each state.

[ 11-05-2002: Message edited by: mdrag ]</p>

11-05-2002, 19:56
A dummy question. What is the NSBU, what does it do and what does the acronymn mean.


11-05-2002, 20:53

Neutral Start/Backup Switch (NSBU)

MAC smile.gif

11-05-2002, 21:32
Now I understand what it does. New name for a switch that used to be on the steering column but is now electronic. Thanks.
