View Full Version : R.I.P. 12/19/00 - 8/5/03

08-10-2003, 23:28
I had a little mishap, ok, a big mishap at work the other day and well, this was the end result.

I'm finishing up the final details with my dealer and should have it all worked out by tomorrow to get my new d-max ordered.


Here's what she looked like before.


On a lighter note. I bought my wife a d-max 2 months ago, she's driving the sap out of it. It had 20 miles on it when she drove it off the lot, she now has 8700 miles on it. By the end of this week, she will have probably 10,000 on it. Just can't keep that women at home now.

08-10-2003, 23:34
Hey Mackin......pass the marshmellows please. :D

Wow.....how did that happen? Something to do with your welding tanks I assume?

08-11-2003, 04:28
Koom By Ya !!!!!!

Ouch .....

Hey Sparky did you get anouther "Flame" Red one ......

Mac http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif

08-11-2003, 12:18
Mac, That was wrong on so many levels.. :D :D

Sorry to hear about the misfortune! Glad everyone was ok and you will be getting a NEW d-max!!!

Good luck with this one..Might I suggest a Fire Extinguisher?? ;)


08-11-2003, 14:06
What exactly occurred?

08-11-2003, 14:24
Please, Please, Please don't say it was a pre-OEM filter problem! That really great guy in Sacramento (Nick) is taking the time and trouble to install my CAT Pre-OEM frame mount filter setup tonight! May have to mount a Halon bottle next to it!

Man that has got to be one upset dude to have to stand there helpless and watch that sucker go up in flames and not just thr truck, but all his equipment too and god knows what else in the cab...

"May she rest in peace!

When you get a chance let us know what happened and hopefully nothing defective and just an outside source.

08-11-2003, 14:25
I like mine medium rare thank you. That ones just a little well for my taste.
Hope noone was near it when it went up. Since you posted I guess everyones ok?

08-11-2003, 14:28
Looking at the picture closely, it appears that welding on the pipe started a grass fire and spread to the truck. Just looks like that might have happened, never sure of anything these days.
Maybe a gas can on the truck bed made it worse

08-11-2003, 17:04
Looks like someone should have installed one of chuntag95's transmission cooling fan setups :D

Wouldn't want to be around when those gas bottles get a little too warm :eek:

08-11-2003, 21:33
This is what happened.

I am the welding foreman on a natural gas pipeline. The company truck that had been haul gas out to my welders for their welding machines broke down. So, since the truck that was broke down, no gas was being taken to my welders. The company and I agreed that we would put this 100 gallon gas tank on my truck until they got another truck to haul the gas for my welders. Being the welding foreman, I don't do all that much welding as the welders under me, but I still do some. The tank had been on my truck for over a week and I kept asking the company and asking them to please get another truck to haul this gas. One, I KNEW it was NOT safe and two, it took up my entire truck bed and I had no room to haul the stuff I actually needed to carry. But anyway, they kept telling me they were working on getting another truck, well by Tuesday afternoon of last week it was too late. I was doing a little bit of welding and a spark it the tank and caught the truck on fire. I did have a fire extinguisher and I almost had the fire out when the fire extinguisher ran out. It was only my truck out on that part of the job at the time so there was no other extinguisher out there. And yes, it was VERY hard to sit there and watch the last 20 years that I have BUSTED my a$$ for go up in smoke. There were things in that truck that are not replaceable. My grandfather's CB, my last trophy buckle that I won roping (had worn it to work that morning and ended up taking it off later in the day). Then there was my wallet, luckily I don't carry my money in my wallet, I keep it in my pocket, but now there is the hassle of having to go replace my licenses, SS card. Go through the hassle of replacing my 2 cell phones in there.

Now I get to go round and round with the company. They don't feel they should pay since they "rent" my truck. They rent my truck to weld, not be a fuel truck driver.

My bottle on the truck when it blew, was weird. After the fire was out and I got to looking at it closer, when the bottle blew it was like a torch and cut the cab.

I will be getting another red one, just hope it doesn't turn out to be "flame" red.

08-12-2003, 04:55
I thought it was a company truck not personal .....

That's to bad you lost some personal possessions ..... I learned my lesson as I too lost some irreplaceable items in a stolen vehicle ....

The truck, well let the companies insurance pick up the tab, much easier to replace .....

Good luck


08-12-2003, 08:09
Originally posted by DalDMax:
Looks like someone should have installed one of chuntag95's transmission cooling fan setups :D I don't think the fan I used would have been big enough. tongue.gif

MSSM, sorry about your lose, but at least you are here to tell about it. Hope your battle with the company goes well. Since you seemed to be helping them out, you would figure they would do the same. :rolleyes: