View Full Version : Need member with 285's and a GPS. Quadzilla tuner owners read.

08-15-2003, 14:50
With stock tires truck runs 65 @ 1850 rpm and 70 @ 2000 rpm.

Put 285's on and it run exactly the same. Seems fast though. Seems like 75 @ 70.

Got the Quad tuner. Adjusted tire size for 31.75 inches. Runs still the same. :confused:

Question: What rpm should I be running at 65 and 70 GPS speed? I will play around with the tuner till I get it right. What will increasing or decreasing tire size do to the speedo? Smaller programed tire size should result in increased speed on the speedo correct?

I figure with 285's I should be running around 1900 rpm @ 70. Am I wrong?

[ 08-16-2003, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: MAV ]

08-15-2003, 16:16
Hey Mav, With my Garmin GPS III I show my speed at 70 by speedo to actually be 74 by GPS. My rpm's are still 2000 at 70 even though actual speed is 74. At 45 my actual speed is 48, so the gap narrows as you go slower. I hope this little bit of info helps. David

08-15-2003, 17:50
Thanks.....do me a favor. Go for a drive at 70 GPS speed and tell me what RPM you are running. You do have 285's correct?

Silver Bullet
08-15-2003, 17:54
Just got back from a visit with Quad getting a different set of HP settings loaded...I dropped to the 110HP from the 135HP...Got to keep this truck road worthy for years to come. I got my tuner last week, but have just started to play with the speedo and my GPS. I did put in 32" for my 285s and my speedo now matches my GPS +/-1mph (at 70mph). I didn't pay any attention to my RPMs. I'll get back to you with more info when I have something for you.

Keep in mind that the GPS can be off a couple mph...I read that somewhere! :D

08-16-2003, 01:52
Either I got a bad Quadzilla tuner or the speedo calibration never works in the first place.

Stock 245's @ 2000 rpm is 70 mph.
New 285's @ 2000 rpm is 70 mph. (true speed unknown)

Adjusted tire size with the Quad tuner to 31.75" and it is still 2000 rpm @ 70 mph.

Adjusted the tuner to the lowest tire size which is 25". Still ran 2000 rpm at 70 mph.

Adjusted tire size with the tuner to the highest setting which is 45 or 44 inches (can't remenber). Still ran 2000 rpm @ 70 mph.

I hope I got a bad unit as this speedo adjust was the main reason for buying it. Now I find out it doesn't even work. How can you advertise this if it doesn't work. I haven't had a chance to call Quad and I will on Monday for sure.

I would be interest in the other Quad owners to see if their speedo's adjust with the tuner. I know mine does not.

08-16-2003, 07:23
Mav, I am taking a small trip today and I will pull my GPS out of my Jeep and get some numbers for you. I am running 305-70-16 Nitto's which are the same diameter as a 285. I have read on this forum that regardless of tire size you will be reading 2000 rpm's at 70 showing on speedo. The trick is plugging in tire size to match your actual speed. Unless you have a GPS or can match another vehicle's speed you will have to assume that the tire size you have and enter into the programmer is correct. I would plug your 285 tires into your programmer and in some way try to verify your speed against your speedo. If that does not work then I would say you have a faulty programmer. I know at 70 on my speedo that I am actually doing 74. I just always remember to add 4 mph to whatever speed I am doing so as to avoid getting ticketed. ;) I will post my speed and rpm's later tonight or first thing in the morning. David

08-16-2003, 08:21
Give Quad a call.

Some of the 2001 programming can be tricky...

08-16-2003, 11:04
Maverick I will dig out my GPS and give mine a try. I'm only running 265's but will play around with my tire size settings and see if there is any change.

08-16-2003, 11:12
Sounds good.

Silver Bullet
08-16-2003, 21:00
Hey Mav,
I match up with Beener...

70mph on speedo
74mph on GPS

adjust to 31.75" using Quad...
74mph on speedo
74mph on GPS

It is nice not having to due the math and take the speedo for what it says!!!

I did notice today that after I set the tire size using the Quad and I went in to turn off the speedo adjustment you can't go through the menu and answer "n" to tire size and have it undo what you have previously set. I had to reset the vehicle to stock to clear the tire size and get the speedo back to stock. I wonder if this is what you encountered?

08-16-2003, 21:29
Thanks Bullet.

So is it safe to say you are running 1900 rpm at a corrected speed of 70 mph?

The very first time I used it i put it on 31.75", no speed limit and on the 110. I have yet to put it to stock. Just keep playing with all the settings (speedo) and nothing ever changes. :confused:

Did you happen to put in 25" and 44" and see how you speedo reacted? Just curious.

I did send Quadzilla an email on this matter so we'll see how fast and good they are at resolving the problem.

08-16-2003, 22:22
I figured I would set it back to stock like Bullet said. I went down the road and stopped. Reset to stock. Still went 2000 rpm @ 70. Stopped and reloaded tuner to cal and limiter only. Went down the road at still went 2000 rpm @ 70. Plugged tuner in again to set to tow performance and got this message:

GTHK t@@@@324468

This sucks. Tried serveral more times and I am locked out of my tuner. How could it be a VIN MIS-MATCH? Its the same truck!! :confused:

king D
08-17-2003, 05:00
mav keep plugging it back in it will take the box after several tries,i think this happens because the box can be switched from truck to truck mine has done it a few times but after several tries it always will reload and go to working....

08-17-2003, 07:57
Hey Mav, Bullet and King D sound like they got you covered. My 305-70's measured 31.75 inches so if you can get your programmer straightened out you should be good to go. According to my GPS, at 70 my speedo read 65-66 and 1900 rpm; at 75 my speedo read 70 at 2000 rpm. If there is anything else I can do just let me know. Hope you get it worked out. I have Juice :D and I have been looking at getting something to recal. my tire size also, just have not made up my mind which to get.David

08-17-2003, 07:58
GPS on the fritz! Won't find sat's. Will try today after work with the tire changes & tac reading. Did not get a chance last night to try it out.

On another note!
Mav, have you moved to the sunny south yet???
Looks like your still in the frozen tundra by your info! What goes?

08-17-2003, 10:46
King D,
Thanks. I try messing with it again. Don't know why, I know my speedo cal doesn't work. My truck does have the speedo/limiter only tune installed.

I will be out of here this week for sure....or the underwriters will pay dearly. I'm already 3 weeks past my original close date. :mad:

Silver Bullet
08-17-2003, 12:08
What I did to test in each case was set cruise control based on rpm and not speed. When I hit 2000rpm I set the CC and checked all my numbers...speedo and GPS.

stock (no correction while running 285's)...
70mph on speedo
74mph on GPS

adjust to 31.75" using Quad (corrected running 285's)...
74mph on speedo
74mph on GPS

I hope this clarifies a little...if not let me know.

And no, I have not tried to minimize or maximize the tire size to see what it does to the speedo. Hhhmmm...a way to extend the warranty??? :D

08-17-2003, 17:05
Hey Mav.
Got the GPS up and also checked tire min and max size with no diff at all! Also with the GPS no change! Found out that my speed limiter also has not changed! Stops at 97 no matter what setting from the Quad. (100 by GPS)

Also found out that if you have your radio off and the security turned on, it will go into lock up when down loading. You have to enter you code to un-lock the raido.

I will drop Quad a e-mail as well to see what is up!

Hope you get down here before the snow blows!

08-17-2003, 18:57
Thanks C-man,
I wonder if its a 2001 thing. The 02 owners say it works on their trucks. Quad never asked what year I had if there is indeed a different program for an 01. It should work. Quads web page says 01-03. If anything I would think the 03 would be a different program.

When you plug it in does it say Duramax 03 like mine?

My tuner is still locked up. MIS-MATCH VIN?????? I have just the speedo/limiter program installed now. I can't retreieve it. I bet I can't use a new tuner because it has a program in there that I can't get out. I wish Monday would get here or that Quad would monitor this board.

08-17-2003, 19:30

Where did you end up deciding to move to??

08-17-2003, 19:44
Mine says the same when it fires up! The power tunes work ok, but don't know what is going on with yours locking up. I have been in and out (back to stock) and have had no problems with it locking up. JK said that the 01's were a little tricky with the programing on these items.

When I was punching around with it, I checked the options menu. It gave me the code (for un-locking?) and have the number at hand if needed. Don't know what to do with it! No paper work, just the e-mail I shared.

I have given Quad the links, this one and the one that kingD started. Have not seen anyting back from him if he has.

Hey we got 30 days! I think he can get it fixed.

Silver Bullet
08-17-2003, 20:46
Guys...Quad was a hunting show in Ft Worth all weekend...I talked to him there on Saturday at the Quadzilla booth. He reads TDP and I think he is trying to get on TDP. Hopefully you will hear from him on Monday.

08-17-2003, 20:53
I am leaving Alaska on Thursday. I wanted this tuner to correct my tire size. Unless he has a magic fix, the big brown truck is gonna be busy with some NEXT DAY AIR freight. I need this fixed ASAP.

Going to WI for a couple weeks. Make JK buy me a beer or two then go to NC and check it out. See if its a good place to put roots down. Otherwise I'm a traveling gypsy.

08-18-2003, 04:30
Well if you settle in the NC area or you head to SC for a visit give me a shout. No brats here but I'll buy you a beer and teach you about SC BBQ.

08-18-2003, 21:19
Talked to Quad today. Sounds like I got a messed up tuner box. Solder joint or something.

As far as speedo cal goes, he said its about a 50/50 chance of it working on an 01'. GM did something different with the program mid year or something. 02-03's no problem. He was working on it today to get it to program. He is sending me another tuner anyway tomorrow. Hopefully he will get the speedo cal to work by then. He wants his products to work 100% and assured me he is working on the problem.

08-19-2003, 05:05
Thanks for the info Mav. I was sure that Quad would work with us through this. I will give him a call today to make sure that he knows I have the same problem. Have not got any e-mail back yet!

08-19-2003, 16:26
Did you get a hold of Quad? I sent him an email to see if he figured it out yet and if he sent my new box. No word today.

08-19-2003, 18:57
I'm on my 3rd e-mail with no response!!! :mad:

I called today and the lady told me that Mark and Quad was tied up with other customers. I asked if they could call or page me back, but again nada.

Will try again tomarrow morning. Will let you know if I find anything out.

08-19-2003, 20:33
Quad emailed me back. He is overnighting a new tuner to me. He didn't get the speedo thing figured out yet. Hopefully in a week he hopes to have it. Then I can send my tuner back to be re-flashed with the correct speedo cal.

He is hard to get to talk to. He's like JK. Always running. Keep trying, he needs to know there are more 01's that don't cal correctly.
Before I purchased I got an answer 1 out of 2 eamils. After I purchased I got 3 out of 4 emails back.

08-20-2003, 13:10
I sent Quad from their web site last night and got a response this time. This is what he responded with. I recon Mav, you and me are the only ones! Oh well, that is the way it goes with me most of the time!!! tongue.gif

I am not sure why I didn't receive your first two e-mails? I sincerely apologize.

Now as far as the tire size is concerned, we are working on a flash to fix it for the people having trouble. It seems that some of the 01's have the speedo calibration map located in different places. I have no idea why, but that's what happened. So far I only have 2 trucks that won't recalibrate the speedo, so it is slightly harder to fix the problem, because it is hard to re-create. We have found a PCM that appears to have the maps different, so we are working on a fix. I don't have a good time frame, but hopefully in the next week. When we do get it fixed we will contact you and you can send it in to get re-flashed at no charge. The speed limiter should be fixed in the same flash.

