View Full Version : Knock-Outs on the Alignment

04-28-2003, 18:19
$75.00 to remove the "Knock-Outs" so they could do the alignment... Why can't GM remove these knock-outs or simply not put them in? The Dealer in El Paso said that if I'd come in prior to 7000 miles then GM would have removed them, no charge.

Have I been had?

PS It's awfully good to be back in the good ole USA!

04-28-2003, 20:25
Max, assuming your talking about knock outs on your 02, youve been had. The knock outs come out with the flick of a screwdriver. On the older trucks, pre 99, you had to remove upper control arm bolts and cut/grind out the knock out to set camber and caster. new trucks, just pop it out. They are there for assembly purposes on the line.

04-28-2003, 21:44
No knockouts.

04-29-2003, 17:08
Had knock-outs, removed for alignment. Dealer stated same reason as dmaxalliTech.


04-29-2003, 17:48
Welcome Home! :D :D

We're gald to have you back!

------ Thanks!!

Burner------> :D

Lone Eagle
04-29-2003, 20:02
No knock outs on my Dmax. Just some plastic inserts. They pry out very easily. I used to be a front end amd brake tech years ago. I can't figure our what these are for. My 99 Silverado 1/2 ton had them also. My best guess is they were used as templates or shop aids while assembling the suspension parts. Later! Lone Eagle

04-30-2003, 11:16
Hey MaxACL,

Glad you're back. Look me up when you get a chance and let's talk trucks! You can email me at mark.rock@att.net

Looking forward to hearing from you!


04-30-2003, 20:41
Thanks for the input on the knock-outs. Now what is my recourse? Can I raise cain with the dealer in El Paso or grin and bare it?

To the others wanting me to respond... I will, just can't right now. We did some serious butt kicking, didn't we?


05-05-2003, 19:58
Give them h#ll. If it took them 5 minutes to remove the knockouts I'd be surprised. $75 is about $75 too much for the job.