View Full Version : how long will Alli last with Juice?

biker Wayne
05-12-2003, 12:29
For all you guys lucky enough to have the Juice, how many miles do you have on the stock Alli? Anyone have 100K miles yet? I was wondering how long the stock Alli will last while running the Juice, especially those that pull 20K+ gross combined. I've seen ads for the ATS torgue converter that should help, but don't know if its necessary with a regular Juice or not.
Thanks for the input.

05-12-2003, 20:30
biker wayne

The Regular Juice stays within the limitations of the Allison .....Follow the towing instructions .....
Other wise :
Life expectancy is excellent used with moderation ..... Other words if you run max power with foot to the floor constantly one might expect some possible ware and tare,as with any stock truck for that matter .... Used with longevity in mind one shouldn't experience any shortened life ....

Over 25,000 Juiced miles, last 10+ Hot Juiced and running perfect .... I'm a bit hard on the Max too !!!!! :eek:

Take the plunge and enjoy .....

MAC :cool:

[ 05-12-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>