View Full Version : HP and Torque calculation formulas

05-14-2003, 09:28
Vehicle manufacturers often list a vehicles maximum horsepower and the engines RPM that this maximum HP is attained at. Maximum torque rating with RPM is usually listed at a different RPM than the maximum HP. Have you ever wondered what the engines torque rating is when it's making maximum HP? Wouldn't it be nice to know what the engine HP rating is when the engine is making maximum torque and vise versa?
The following formulas can be used to determine the missing information.

If you are given maximum torque and RPM, find HP at that RPM by using:

(TORQUE X RPM)/5252 = HP

You can also go the other way, from HP at a RPM range to determine torque at that RPM range.

(HP X 5252)/RPM = TORQUE

Ideally, you would want the maximum torque and the maximum HP to be at the same RPM, which seldom happens.
Just thought I would pass these on. Have fun.

05-14-2003, 10:36
Further manipulation of the formula tells us that torque = HP at 5252.

Guess we will never see HP = Torque.

05-14-2003, 19:58
Here ya go. HP = Torque @ 5252 RPM. :D