View Full Version : full time 4WD - how?

Mark Bajus
11-20-2002, 12:58
Ok all you tech wizards, hypothetical question- how would you go about making a full time 4WD setup for the dmax/allison combo? Reason I ask is my wife drives a Durango with the full time 4WD setup, its sure nice when its wet and/or icy/snowy up here (all the time now!!). Im slippin and a slidin' on the old 6.5, cant imagine with the extra power how much worse it would be. The durango sticks in all conditions like a (fill in your own adjective).

11-20-2002, 13:06
You would either need a full time capable xfer case of which is not avail for HD applications or some sort of aftermarket viscous coupling which I also don't believe is avail for this kind of loads.

On edit, looking at your sig, you may be able to adapt a newer full time case that's avail in the lighter duty trucks and the Denali.

[ 11-20-2002: Message edited by: hoot ]</p>

11-20-2002, 13:18
Not trying to start a war here but you are not espousing the typical lower mainland attitude of expecting mountain goat traction on nearly bald tires are you? It snows in Vancouver? When?, for about two hours and then it rains.
Seriously before you blow big bucks on an upgrade check you tires and throw about 300 lbs. worth of sandbags into the back of your truck. That's what I do in the winter (where it snoes and stays)and it really helps with the traction.

Mark Bajus
11-21-2002, 11:10
just running some dreamland scenarios. Yes diverguy, contrary to poular belief it does not snow much in Vancouver but I do lots of snowboarding, as well as living well up the side of a mountain. Tires are pretty new michelins ;) Hoot, the ol' 6.5 has had enough dough thrown at it, its just holding on until the bank is full for the dmax purchase.

There are some pretty hopped up humvees out there- what do they run for transfer cases?