View Full Version : Photos of 2003 3500 and New Towing Mirrors

Diesel Dad
09-02-2002, 20:23
Here is a link to photos I took this weekend in North Batleford, Saskatchewan. They show a 2003 Silverado 3500 D/A Extended Cab in the new blue color. They also show the new power towing mirrors in and out.

There is also one photo of a 2003 2500HD in the new grey color as well.



[ 09-02-2002: Message edited by: Diesel Dad ]</p>

09-02-2002, 20:57
Nice pics. Thanks for the efforts.

09-03-2002, 03:59
Man, Those things look like ET's neck stretched out! Thanks for posting the photo's. It's Lucerix for me!


09-03-2002, 09:00
I am interested how those mirrors work with a wide body trailer. Anybody have any info? I have the Lucerix and they leave a bit to be desired with my widebody trailer.

Diesel Dad
09-03-2002, 10:42
I have Lucerix mirrors on my 3500. My impression is that the 2003 towing mirrors are no wider, although I did not measure. I have also read that additional wiring would be required to mount on a 2001 or 2002.

The glass is much smaller than Lucerix, similar to a factory non-towing mirror. The turn signals are neat though.

09-03-2002, 11:34
Diesel Dad wrote in part:
"The glass is much smaller than Lucerix, similar to a factory non-towing mirror."

Yep..... I've got the Lucerix mirrors on my 3500.
100 sq in per mirror. I carry a Lance camper and the
big mirrors really do their job.

Unless you like the squeeze box look of the new
mirrors..... I can't see that they have an
advantage over the after market Lucerix. Just my
humble opinion.


09-03-2002, 19:23
I'm not arguing that the Lucerix are better than the factory mirrors. I believe that they are. It's just that I have a 101" wide trailer and I cannot the the back corner from the passenger side mirror.

09-03-2002, 19:44
Why cant the General put good mirrors on a $50,000 (Can) truck?? I saw a new D--ge today with big towing mirrors. You could see the back door of your 101 inch trailer with those puppies!

09-03-2002, 21:26
The Ford SuperDuty has the mirrors to beat.

GM is incapable. Don't you get the feeling that they look at the SD mirrors with envy and jealousy so much so that anything they come up with cannot look anything close to them?

Now mark my words. Just looking at the design says "shake" all over them.

No broad vertical support.

Please people, when the posts start sprouting up about shakey mirrors..... reference this post ;)

Sorry for the GM bashing but they do need a slap every now and then.

[ 09-03-2002: Message edited by: hoot ]</p>

09-04-2002, 11:48
Here's a question. The truck in the pics is definately an '03, BUT look at the tail lights. The lenses are definately tri-colored like the '02 and before. Can anyone explain that one to me? :confused: It almost seems like there's no rhyme or reason to that. It was my understanding that the '03 trucks get the new lights but there it is in living color, an '03 with the old tail lights. Anyone ahve any input?

Reb [&gt;&lt;]

Diesel Dad
09-04-2002, 12:32
In as far as I could tell, everything from the cab back was exactly the same as my 2001 3500. Looked at wheels, springs, overloads etc.

The taillights on the 2003 2500HDs were different as I recall.

Husker Fan
09-05-2002, 09:19
I have the new GM trailer towing mirrors and I can tell you they do not shake when they are in or out. They are excellent. As soon as my Jordan brake controller arrives, I'll actually get to use them.

Diesel Dad
09-05-2002, 10:56
I had the 2001 GM towing mirrors. When extended and towing, they vibrate somewhat as well.

Last year, I won a set of towing mirrors from Schefenacker Vision Systems, who make the Ford towing mirrors. The mounting system on the Ford is much different and the triangle where the GM mirrors bolt is much smaller than the Ford. That's probably what makes the Ford mirrors more stable. However, GM would need to re-design their door to attach and since the same door is used on a million or so trucks per year, not likely.

09-05-2002, 11:40
Why can't they just put the Ford Superduty mirrors on these trucks and call it a day.

I wonder if the Ford mirrors can be made to fit our trucks.

Diesel Dad
09-06-2002, 05:59
The Ford mirrors have a much bigger mounting plate and bolt pattern than the GM mirrors. So, without re-designing the mirrors and / or the doors, they can't be made to fit.

When I read about the new GM towing mirrors, I sent an e-mail to Schefenacker to see if they were the supplier but I never got a reply. Looking at the new mirrors, I doubt they built them.


09-06-2002, 11:29
Still can't get used to the avalanche front end.
Retaining the amber turn signals could be just for us Canucks (like DRL's) or the factory is trying to use up some old inventory. :cool:

09-06-2002, 11:37
New tailights are on the Chevy only.

09-06-2002, 11:57
Every 2003 3500 that I have seen so far had the taillight style from 2001/2002. Only the 1500/1500HD/2500/2500HD Chevies have the new "bulbous" taillights. Remember that in 2001/2002 the taillights were still different between the 2500HD and 3500 -- they both had the amber lens, but the 3500 had black trim separating each color of the lenses. Basically for 2003 it goes like this:

-- the 1500/1500HD/2500/2500HD Chevies get the new lights
-- the same trucks in the GMC line get the "old" 1500/2500 lights (with the amber lens but no black trim)
-- the 3500 in BOTH lines gets the "old" 3500 lights (with amber lens and the black trim).

Why GM did it that way is beyond me. I can see making the Chevies and GMCs look different from each other, but making the front ends look the same within a brand from one GVWR to the other and then making the rear ends look different makes no sense.

Hope that wasn't too confusing .....


09-15-2002, 23:22
These mirrors are supplied on the 2003's by Power Vision Towing Mirrors, they are available from WWW.powervisionmirrors.com. They are also available for previous model years.