View Full Version : Mouse in the blower... How?

09-18-2003, 16:47
Ok... pretend you didn't read the subject line:

I'm driving along, blower set on "1". After a bump I hear this whirring noise, like a leaf was stuck in the blower wheel (I heard this all the time on my old Dodge). So, like I did with the Dodge I turned it up in speed to try and clear it out... it turned into a giant vibration that shook the truck, but no more whipping noise. :confused:

Seeing as the windshield is fogging up and I can't do without the blower, I pulled over into a parking lot to investigate. Took off the duct cover, pulled out the filters to see what could be in there... A piece of duct joint foam? Blower wheel loose? Out with the filter come a bunch of pieces of needles and small dirt... and the fresh bloody tail of a mouse!

So I figured out how to get the blower motor down and out (didn't look like it would be as simple as it was!) and removed the offending tiny mouse, who was molded to the wheel blades, much like the kids on those same design carnival rides...

I couldn't see too far up into the intake ducting from the floor area, but I'm really curious: How did he get in? Where does the fresh air intake start, and more importantly, where do I need to epoxy a piece of 1/4" wire screen over to keep future explorers out???


09-18-2003, 16:59
Had that trouble in my trucks, Found mouse nests on the engine and the mice had crawled down the fresh air intake and were living next to the air filter for the engine.(NOT GOOD) They are most likly coming in from the intake by the winsheild for the air sys.

Try storing your cheese someplace else, and if the problem happens again look for the trail of mouse crap, it should lead you to the way in that they use. Worked for me.

[ 09-23-2003, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: TSimpler ]

09-18-2003, 17:24
This happened (I assume...) while the truck was parked in front of a horse barn for a few hours. I don't think he was living in there, but he sure made the best of his time while I was there!


gene smith
09-18-2003, 17:52
Look out guys these little ba$$$$ds will chew wireing and cause a lot of problems, happened to me on my john deere but it sets a lot as they had time to set up house keepin and producing more of them little ba$$$$ds :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-18-2003, 19:05
Up here in the mountains them little *******s will move into anything that is warm. In a few hours they can move in with all of the kids and the mother-in-law.

Two days of not driving and I pulled out a family with 5 babys. I'd really love to tell ya that I'm lying. Now I dont park near the woods at night.


09-19-2003, 06:06
Congrats!! You have solved the mystery of why Chevys have 'Mouse Motors'...

09-20-2003, 13:27

Guess you shouldn't have Swisscheesed that air box.... :D

09-20-2003, 15:57
they got into the aircleaner on my 93 Yukon. If the B&M blower didnt suck them in, then nothing would.

No troubles with them in the airbox on the DMAX... Guess they dont like swiss cheese. :D

09-20-2003, 19:29
Just think, the little guy was probably running inside the fan like a habitrail ... and keeping up quite nicely until the blower fan was turned up ...that's when he probably lost traction and took a turn for the worse. smile.gif

09-22-2003, 08:43
Originally posted by tophog:
Just think, the little guy was probably running inside the fan like a habitrail ... and keeping up quite nicely until the blower fan was turned up ...that's when he probably lost traction and took a turn for the worse. smile.gif :D LOL,

Thanks TopHog, I just spewed Pepsi all over my monitor

09-22-2003, 09:09
Originally posted by tophog:
Just think, the little guy was probably running inside the fan like a habitrail ... and keeping up quite nicely until the blower fan was turned up ...that's when he probably lost traction and took a turn for the worse.


Thanks TopHog, I just spewed Pepsi all over my monitor
:D :D :D :D :eek: :eek: tongue.gif ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

09-23-2003, 17:38
We had that happen in a toyota one time. But I didn't find it for a few days. And it was my nose that told me something was rotten in Denmark. I guess you could call it a mouse centrifuge.

09-23-2003, 19:35
Maybe you should have found a way to harness the power. Just think 300.002 could have been your new horse power.

Or 300002 mouse power. Now those are numbers :D


[ 09-24-2003, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: TSimpler ]

09-23-2003, 19:56
smile.gif Not sure why, however when I read the orignal post the habitrail thing just popped into my head ...

When are services for the mouse?

09-24-2003, 16:18
When he trips and smashes around in the fan, or when he starts to stink.

Which ever comes first, you might also think of upgreading to synthetic tongue.gif


upon edit I realize.... I NEED TO GET OUT MORE!!!

09-24-2003, 16:34
And I thought the General use SQUIRREL CAGE FANS in the heating and cooling systems, go figure.

good luck

09-26-2003, 19:14
Scott-on my '95 the coolant expansion tank is mounted to engine side of firewall, passenger side. A small(5/8"*1-1/2"*5") black plastic duct is screwed to the firewall beneath and outboard of the coolant tank{where fender&doorpost meet}. This seemed to be a drain to allow condensation from evaporator to drain to ground beneath truck. The opening [3/8"*1"] is enough space.

09-28-2003, 20:32
I'm still at a loss for how he got in... the main "intake" seems to be about mid-vehicle under the windshield/hood interface trim piece. That piece is screened, and the ends don't appear to have any openings... So I'm thinking if I have time to take that piece off, I can epoxy a piece of screen over the 3"x8" or so opening in the sheetmetal...

Thanks for all the jokes & such. No one has moved back in since... smile.gif


09-29-2003, 11:52
Originally posted by SDWA:
No one has moved back in since... smile.gif

Scott No surprise there, who would move in after what happened to the last tenant? ;)

10-08-2003, 14:09
The little critters back home can stand flat footed and pee in the truck bed. Ole Winchester wont have anything to do with him. ;)