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View Full Version : hood scratches update :)

12-07-2002, 07:16
Our body guy rocks!

Monday the truck is going in for it's hood repaint. John is still fighting with the dealer regarding who is at fault, and who is paying for it. They says NO way are they paying for it, John says no way is he paying for it...anyway-

John's body guy- AWESOME GUY is willing to repaint our hood- and send the bill to the dealership. He said he is more than happy to fight with them regarding the payment, as he KNOWS they have insurance coverage for this type of thing etc... same insurance that he carries. John forced them to contact the Police and file a valdalism report, which they did, the police contactd John for his side, took pictures- I gave him copies of the pictures I had taken etc..

long story short, the dealer still s*cks but my paint guy kicks a**!

YEAH I don't have to worry about rust on my hood smile.gif Couldn't be happier-

Anyone in the upper valley of Vt/NH looking for a body guy please let me know I'll send you to the best!

he just put my brother in laws 8.1/A back together after the mishap with the bridge...looks great!


12-08-2002, 13:10
Well, finally some good news! Congrats.

Let us know how you make out...