View Full Version : valves & springs

02-11-2006, 18:58
I could'nt find any posts on removal of the valve sprins and valves. I'm cleaning up a head and want to get the gunk from under. thanks

02-11-2006, 19:23
You need a valve spring compressor:


02-12-2006, 11:52
thanks! Would I be better off not touching them? I just want to get my truck running, a rebuild might be done latter. Eventually I'll probably have all the tools.

02-12-2006, 11:54
Is there a schematic/picture of how they're put together?

02-12-2006, 14:05
If you deside to remove them for a good cleaning, and you can rent or buy a valve spring compressor, there is no reason why yoy can't remove them, and clean the valves and the head thoroughly, and install new valve stem seals (which are normally included in the head gasket set, anyway.

The trick is to put all the valves back in their original locations, since you will not be grinding them.

Take a couple of 1" X 6" boards the length of the heads, and mark them to correspond with each head.

Then, drill 8 holes, one to drop in each valve as it is removed. You can also drive in 8 long nails per board, to keep each corresponding valve spring and retainer or rotator with it's corresponding valve, as well as any shims you MAY find under one or more springs.

Clean up the heads, and then clean and install the valves one at a time, so they stay in order. Use engine oil or engine assembly grease on the valve stems. While you're at it, wiggle each valve from side to side, before installing the springs, to make sure none of the guides are severely worn.

02-12-2006, 15:00
Thaks for the info. The valves look OK no play or noticeable gaps. Some sluge I want to wipe out. Ive got till tuesday for the gaskets, might as well do that too.

02-12-2006, 18:05
got spring compresor! first one i pulled off had a broken spring. Any recomendations on where to get a new one?

02-12-2006, 18:53
How long to the springs usually last before they lose significant tension? Going hundreds of thousands of miles is pretty damn impressive.


02-12-2006, 18:56
Originally posted by greenbliss:
got spring compresor! first one i pulled off had a broken spring. Any recomendations on where to get a new one? Was the truck running poorly? Any hint at the broken spring?


02-12-2006, 22:47
Was running fine. The break was under the metal cup, on the firs rung. looked ok before I took it off. Are those little plastic rings in the grove of the valve stems important? they're coming off in pieces. I have craks between the valves at #8 & #6 cylinders. #8 is worse disfigures the valve seat. All of the exhaust valve stems had as much as 3/8" buildup. None on the seat. Could that have something to do with my turbo being hard to spin? I'm starting to think I should replace the head.

02-12-2006, 23:20
The "plastic rings" are the hardened remains of the rubber valve stem seals I previously mentioned. When you put the valves back together, you use the valve spring compressor to push the retainer or rotator down far enough to install a new rubber seal in the lower groove, before intalling the keepers in the upper groove.

I don't know without seeing it if the head is fit for re-use, or not. There is a water passage drilled from side to side though the head, between the valve seats, and the cracks between the valve seats can extend down into there, causing combustion proucts to leak into the cooling system. There are kits available to drill out that passage, and insert a brass sleeve, to prevent or stop any leaks there.

A machine shop that is familiar with these heads may have the stuff to install the sleeves, and new valve seats, if needed, if the heads are within the limit of what can be salvaged.

The crap on the exhaust valves and stems is the charred remains of oil that has leaked down past the valve stems, or past the rings, or has been sucked into the intake through the crankcase ventilation system, and gets spit out as unburned stuff from the cylinder, and hits the hot exhaust valve. It is typical on these heads, after some miles of use.

02-12-2006, 23:42
Wow! Cause and effect all rolled up. :D I'm gonna replace the head. Does the drivers side head usually last longer? I did't open that side up.

02-13-2006, 05:24
NO the heads are equal operunity they will both crack nicley. Don't forget to replace the headbolts when putting back togeather.