View Full Version : Doesn't want to shift out of Park!

05-03-2006, 08:58
Well the ole Diesel Interceptor was giving me fits about shifting out of Park. Turned out the bark switch bolock is the culprit. I just changed it about a year and half ago, sooooo I had the Park brake interlock disabled. (I know I'm a BAAAD boy:rolleyes: ) So now I don't have to step on the brake to shift from Park but I don't have to buy another bloody brake switch modual and either pay to have it changed out or fit it. (it's a PIA) to get too. Just thought I post so anyone else has a problem they know the fix.

05-03-2006, 10:28
Want to know how YOU defeated the interlock?

05-03-2006, 15:07
Want to know how YOU defeated the interlock?
A friend did the work this go around called me and asked if I did care if it had the inter lock or not and he "disconected it". I think he pulled the wire from the switch modual, but not sure.