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06-15-2006, 21:10
The saga of the salvage truck from Hurricane Katrina continues...

I have driven around 800 miles. Everything seems to be normal and operates correctly. Every day, I inspect the vehicle closer. I don't know... I have a 2004 Ford van to compare this to, but, even without the hurricane, what does the Gulf Coast do to a vehicle these days?

I actually DO have to disassemble most of the interior. Some of the small pot metal pieces have a patina of rust. And... for example, the seat boxes have a bit of rust between welds. Not rust, rust, like the other truck I saw. Just bits.

The Ford has the same types and places rusting but not as bad. Both two years old. Think it will be good for my piece of mind and all. I bought new seats (arm rests) and that may let me get rid of sea breaaze smell. Not fishy, but ocean spray salty smell like my grandpa's old 56 chevy from Florida.

The only malfunctioning piece is whatever arms the doors dinger stays armed even with key removed. Put key back in and remove it again, all is OK. Doubt that is flood damage.

Now to the bad news. I self financed this vehicle through a friend loan deal. New the truck would be $64k. Used the truck (with 12k miles) would be about $50k. I paid $26k and plan on keeping it LLOONNGG time. Even if I suffer financial difficulties, this is the LAST vehicle to get sold. (Lightning is first).

I simply cannot obtain full coverage insurance. Cant do it. Some companies wouldn't write a policy for liability only. The guys I have my business insurance wrote a liability only policy (w/uninsured) for $800 a year.

CRAP! I feel this vehicle would NOT have been slavaged if insurance co was involved, but ma bell is self insured and out it went as part of a lot of like 125 vehicles. Now, scammers have made it impossible for me to legitimately obtain proper insurance, on a vehicle that was NEVER wrecked, which means one cannot get financing.

Im stuck. Hope I don't wreck or blow up motor.

Some of you, I listened to while doing this deal. Thanks. even ones against deal I listened to. Truck got me service contract, day before delivery, for 45 gas stations (electric)!
...silver lining...

LB7 sound different at different RPM than does my g-van. Weird! 2500 rpm has a LOT of noise going on. More than just defueling the pre chamber on my 06.

06-15-2006, 21:17


pics of Miss Katrina

06-15-2006, 22:08
The pictures sure look nice!!!!!!!

Glad to hear about of your deal!!!!!

06-16-2006, 05:13
Not sure that I'm clear - you're saying your insurance company won't give you full coverage because of the salvage title? Guess that is something to know for any such future decisions. In PA you actually have to get a "reconstructed" title to put a "salvage" vehicle back on the road - "salvage" basically means that you can only part it out.

Perhaps OH is similar? Although it seems that you already have it on the road with the salvage title... Perhaps you want to look into the "reconstructed" title option?

Here is the info from the PA Title Information:

Reconstructed Vehicle - A vehicle, other than an antique or classic vehicle, for which a certificate of salvage was issued and is thereafter restored to operating condition to meet the vehicle equipment and inspection standards.

Salvaged Vehicle - A vehicle which is inoperable or unable to meet the vehicle equipment and inspection standards to the extent that the cost of repairs would exceed the value of the repaired vehicle. The term does not include a vehicle which would qualify as an antique or classic vehicle except for its lack of restoration or maintenance.

Here is the full fact sheet: http://www.dot10.state.pa.us/pdotforms/fact_sheets/fs-recon.pdf

06-17-2006, 06:23
In Ohio it is similar. Presently I have title from previuos owner. I have to have State Highway Patrol inspect vehicle and then new title says formerly salvage.

Was told by two insurance agents that nobody will write a policy in this situation. So I bought liability for now and will research this further.

06-18-2006, 00:18
Was told by two insurance agents that nobody will write a policy in this situation.

I thought about buying a salvage title Corvette a few years ago. I called my insurance agent (Nationwide) to see if there were any problems insuring a salvage title vehicle, & he said there wasn't. He said he even drove a salvage title Volvo himself. Apparently, getting insurance for a salvage title vehicle has changed in the last few years in Ohio???

06-18-2006, 17:43
What is the wheelbase on Miss Katrina? Looks awfully short to me. Does it ride rough? Thanks.